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Jez @ H-Dev

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Everything posted by Jez @ H-Dev

  1. Nissan specify an NGK platinum plug for the DE engine. They specify a long life Denso for the HR engines. I'd be inclined to change plugs more frequently than the 54k Nissan recommend anyway - just from a corrosion point of view. The last thing you want is the plugs to get stuck in the head or damage the head on the way out.
  2. I'm just repeating what the manufacturer recommends. I've had loads of experience with plugs on turbo engines - the Densos are more fragile than NGK, for example. I'm pretty sure that on an NA car where the spark plug requirements aren't as demanding the Denso's would be ok over their recommeded 30k miles. But on a car that's used on the road most of the time I'd go with the OEM platinum plugs.
  3. The Iridium plugs don't last as long as the OEM platinum plugs. Denso recommend changing the Iridiums every 30k miles (http://www.densoiridium.com/faq.php - Question 4). Platinum plugs are designed to last the full 54k, but are a little more expensive. http://www.h-dev.co.uk/product_info.php ... s_id=25418 - in stock (we also have the 350 and 370 HR plugs in stock)
  4. If the car is lowered the inners can cause probs. We have them in stock for mail order. We could also take a look at the car if you wanted too - we're just off the M4 near Newbury.
  5. We have the Nissan OEM Densos in stock: http://www.h-dev.co.uk/product_info.php ... s_id=25465
  6. Cage is painted - just got to get some of the interior fitted
  7. soo , still one cat section, if you take them out you no-longer have cats ? Yeah, thats right - basically what MaDMaXX's tuner said is right and so is what Mark said.
  8. There are two catalyst elements in the one cat pipe on the DE engined 350s. One before the bend and one after - no idea if they're any different to each other though.
  9. If it is the lambda sensor thats failed we usually have them in stock and they range between £74.99 and £99.99. Fitting wouldn't be much either, in the region of £20-30.
  10. Give us a call and we'll process your order This GB is now over - thanks to everyone who got involved.
  11. RBF 600 will be fine - you'll definately need to upgrade your pads for track use though.
  12. Last day of the group buy today - if you'd like to get in just give us a call 01635 247477
  13. Hope you get it sorted - any probs, let me know Tomorrow is the last day to get your name down and take advantage of this offer
  14. Arthur is growing up quickly and still nuts: More here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 046&type=3
  15. Sparks - glad it arrived ok Paddy - It'll work fine on your car - we have these in stock, so just call and will ship asap.
  16. Thanks to Glenn and Peter for paying so promptly and thanks to Leo for getting in touch Its not too late to get in on the group buy - just register interest here or pm/phone/email - we have them in stock ready to be shipped
  17. Got some good news and bad news. Bad news is that the harnesses for the HR engined cars aren't going to be available Good news is that we now have these in stock and can take payment and start shipping. The total cost will be £79.99 + £4.59 = £84.58 I'll run this until the 2nd March, so if anyone wants to jump in on the deal just get in touch to order - no waiting, just great controllers at a great price
  18. These controllers can work with the 370Z - they just need a different throttle pedal loom. I'll get some in if theres any interest
  19. We're down to £99.99 - only 1 more person needed to get to £89.99 1. Glenn-350z 2. Freebird (+7 price) 3. Adymi16 4. 5. 6. 7.
  20. Thanks Glenn - hopefully we can get to 7+ and price down to £79.99 1. Glenn-350z 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  21. Just got the latest Total Nissan magazine - guess who won?
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