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Jez @ H-Dev

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Everything posted by Jez @ H-Dev

  1. Thanks for all the entries! The actual weight of the car is.... 1366.5kg, which makes Ebized the winner
  2. Whining sound with clutch up in neutral that goes when you press the clutch in is usually the gearbox bearings. The 350Z 'boxes are pretty noisey so it might not be anything to worry about. When you say upgrade to stage 2, what sort of thing are you after? We've got clutches and flywheels in stock for mail order or fitting at our workshop. PM, call or email if you'd like to get in touch
  3. Got some pretty good guesses, but no one has it bang on... yet...
  4. That was a great day out - the zeds performed flawlessly all day Not sure what you're talking about my line through a chicane - I didn't see one I'd definitely be up for another session
  5. Oils Coolant Filters Plugs All in stock http://www.h-dev.co.uk/index.php?cPath=78_169_293_141 Enter our guess the weight competition and win a engine oil service pack: viewtopic.php?f=161&t=60308
  6. Time for another competition! As some of you will know, we're building up a 350Z for track use. It started out as a standard UK 2004 GT car and weighed 1471kg. We then striped it out: Fitted a comprehensive cage: And some bucket seats: So - what do you think it weighs now? Build thread here: viewtopic.php?f=176&t=57436 The person who guesses closest to the cars current weight wins an engine service pack, worth £44.99! http://www.h-dev.co.uk/index.php?cPath=78_169_293_141 I'll announce the winner on Tuesday Good luck
  7. Does any one know if a DE clutch plate and cover will work on an HR?
  8. The blues are sposed to last longer than the yellows, but we'll see I guess. They seem to have coped well with yesterday though. I think I'm going to build a forged TT engine - its not 100% but the most likely route at the moment
  9. We've been supplying and fitting BC Racing for a long time now - I ran their remote reservior ER series coilovers on my trackcar. The BR series are the one you should consider - they're ideal for a fast road car where you need to good compromise between handling and comfort. BC can supply the coilovers to customer spec, so if you let us know the approx drop you want we can make sure the coilovers are speced to suit. You might want to also consider HSD - also great coilovers. If you're after the best of the best, then the Ohlins are without doubt the ones to go for. Better than stock comfort and amazing road holding. Any quetions, just ask. Prices here: http://www.h-dev.co.uk/index.php?cPath= ... 93_483_485 We can also fit, align and corner weight, if required.
  10. Took the car out on its first trackday since the cage and seats have been fitted. Got up this morning at 6am (still the middle of the night as far as I'm concerned) and headed over to Bedford Autodrome. I was regretting removing the heater most of the way there - bloody cold. Met up with a few friends, mainly from the SXOC along with Docwra and his 350Z who is also on this forum. It was a fantastic day, weather couldn't have been better - about 20 deg C and clear blue skies all day Had few sessions up against supposedly superior cars, but the 350 held its own - the seats, cage and weight loss have helped the handling no end. Also, tried out a set of EBC Bluestuff pads - they worked very well indeed. Much more feel than the Yellows they replaced. I think these are my favorite budget pads now, with PF 01 compound being the best (and most expensive) I've tried. I didn't get much media during the day as I've not sorted a camera mount yet. I think my next set of mods will be accusump (from my old track car), Nismo diff (should be with me this week) and some slicks to put on my other set of wheels. That should help the lap times a bit
  11. I'll get back to everyone whos been in touch next week - I've been flat out today and won't be back at the workshop until Tuesday afternoon (trackday Monday, and then I'm mapping a car Tues morning). Should be able to help with most parts then though
  12. Yup - got that - I'll see what condition its in and get some pics
  13. I'm not quite sure where thats from? I'm keeping the central glove box section thats above the stereo.
  14. I'm keeping the steering wheel parts for now. I've got the heater controls parts - I'll check condition and get some pics for you
  15. I'll check condition and take some pics
  16. Yup - I'll get some pics for you
  17. I'm keeping that I'm afraid - sorry. I've got most stuff from the stereo down and from the dash board back
  18. I've got most of the interior parts from our 350Z that's been striped out. If theres anything anyone wants, I've probably got it. I'll add pics and prices later on when I get time. In the mean time, call or pm me if theres anything specific you need Got: Bose stereo Speakers Air bags Air con parts Interior plastic parts (except dash board, we've using that) Black leather heated seats etc.
  19. Thanks guys - I'm pleased with the way its turned out. Anyone is welcome to come over and take a look. It just needs a shed load more power now
  20. The car is pretty much back together now Me, Kyle and a few friends are off to Bedford Autodrome on Monday for a bit of testing - should be a good laugh.
  21. I spent ages on my previous car measuring disk and caliper temps and trying different pads etc. For an initial setup just get decent pads and fluid in and you should be ok. After that nothing beats a big brake kit - pads last longer, you dont get fade and you can drive as hard as you like. I'd go for K-Sport on a budget or AP if you want one of the best.
  22. Thanks for all the entries The grand total, so far, is 973. That makes cmck13 with a guess of 999 the closest - drop me a PM with your address and I'll get the Molyslip in the post to you A bit of background: In 2002 I developed my own remapping system for the 200SX S13 cars, then later on that year we produced a system for the S14 and the S14a/S15 in 2004. Since then I've mapped many other systems including Motec, Syvecs, Emanage, SAFC, Nistune, RP Labs, Ecutek and in the last year or so the 350/370Z ECUs with Uprev. Last year a friend (Anthony, the director of Phormula who make knock detection equipment) and I setup Engine Management Academy - we offer courses for people who are interested in learning more about mapping and engine management systems. Anyway, well done cmck13 - hope to hear from you soon
  23. Just for fun I'd thought we'd have a Friday competition - we're giving away a tube of the great Molyslip gearbox additive. To enter, all you have to do is guess how many cars we've remapped since we started in 2002. This includes the many ECU upgrades we've sold for the 200SX and all the cars we've custom mapped since then. The person who guesses closest wins a tube of Molyslip One guess per person - good luck! I'll announce the winner at the end of the day.
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