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Jez @ H-Dev

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Everything posted by Jez @ H-Dev

  1. Yeah. Braided lines would probably be slightly less squidgy, but I've done numerous trackdays in my car on the standard lines.
  2. I've found the standard rubber lines ok to be honest.
  3. I think thats the passenger side. There is a bump near the spanner (probably a 13mm ) for the cat.
  4. Pretty sure theres are bumps all over the floor as standard. There maybe some floor pics in my build thread: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/55206-h-dev-350z-build/
  5. Nothing wrong with taking it steady - I doubt Kristian meant to cause offence.
  6. LOL - I'm just good at counting in my head...
  7. How long as the RBF600 been in? Pedal going to the floor is probably boiled fluid - if its been in the car for a while it can absorb moisture from the atmosphere which lowers the boiling point.
  8. Nice one - I frequently do trackdays - maybe see you at an event on your return.
  9. Do you think you'll track your 350?
  10. Most expensive thing was the cage - worth it though. I'm currently collecting parts to build a turbo engine for it. Although I'm kind of having second thoughts as its really nicely balanced at the moment and great fun to drive. I used to have a 600bhp S13 that weighed about 1100kg - it was pretty quick, but it was all straight line blasting with little finesse through the corners. Too scared to apply any significant amount of throttle coming out of corners in case it killed me...
  11. The silver one with the logo on the side is my 350. Engine wise its completely standard, except for a Scorpion rear box. I usually run it with plenum spacer + decats but I've been developing stuff for a standard engine with 95 ron fuel. It has an oil cooler too. I've removed some weight, so theres pretty much no interior. I've added a full weld in cage and bucket seats. Suspension wise I'm running Superpro bushes all round and Racing Logic coilovers. Brakes are standard but with EBC bluestuff pads and Motul RBF 600 fluid. It also has Federal RS-R tyres and a 1.5 way diff. Thats pretty much it The 240 in this pic was pretty quick. Caught him in the end though. Best lap of the day was 1m 24.75s.
  12. Had a great day - good to meet up with everyone Had a really good chase with this guy - not sure of his name but had a chat after:
  13. Just "detailed" the car for £4 at the local petrol station. I'm all set for tomorrow
  14. PM'd about front brakes
  15. Hello and welcome - we're just off J13 of the M4 if you need anything
  16. The main ones are the compression arm bushes and the lower inner bushes. You could also do the upper bushes too - go for the adjustable ones for a bit more camber if you want the car to feel better on turn in.
  17. Cheers Mark - I've already got the Darton sleeves. It'll be a chunk of cash to get them fitted properly - just working out if its worth it... Spose if the engine is worth doing may as well do it properly. Are HR closed desk? Not had one apart yet.
  18. I'm collecting the parts required to turbo my DE engined 350 - got pistons, rods, fasteners etc. One thing I'm not sure if I'll do or not is to sleeve the block. I've got the sleeves to do it but not sure if its worth the hassle. On my 200SX I ran a sleeved SR engine - was a bit of a ball ache as the sleeves move slightly after a while which caused a leak at the headgasket. That engine made over 600bhp and the car was about 1100kg. Going for 700+ with the DE engine in a lardy 350 chassis. So, what sort of power will the DE block take before things fail?
  19. Maybe a little close to Japfst for some, but I've booked on to a Combe trackday on the 22nd April - any one else fancy it? http://www.apextrackdays.co.uk/TrackDayDetail/GetTrackDayDetail/145
  20. Cheers - I'm probably going to go for some GT2871s, with a built engine. Your engine is on boost very early, must make a great road car.
  21. I'm thinking of this kit on an DE engine for my car - which turbos did you go for?
  22. Thanks Doogy - could ship tomorrow via Special Delivery - would be guaranteed for Monday but will probably get delivered on Saturday.
  23. Front and rears are different. Not sure what to suggest they do really - Ideally you want replacement genuine on the front and the rears you supplied swapped to the rear. If you need any we have genuine front and rears in stock.
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