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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. I was on the ferry mate in my truck, got a couple of photos of you tho
  2. RIP Broken Britain.. You went soft on discipline!.. You went soft on immigration!You went soft on crime.. Parents were told.. 'No you can't smack the kids'....Teachers were prevented from chastising kids in schools.. The police couldn't clip a troublemaker round the ear.. Kids had rights blah blah blah.. Well done Britain..You shall reap what you sow.. We have lost a whole generation!!
  3. spotted going into the carpark by the ferry at sandbanks last night, looked pretty good too
  4. it could have been me in the black as i was over in poole that day
  5. Thats got to be worth 8500 of anyones money. looks very tidy
  6. Congratulations on both bits of news Mate, I am very jealous, and i better tempt you down to do my lights before you bugger off.. And Paul can i be a best mate too xx
  7. Lovely story and good luck with what ever you do next
  8. I heard you had to pay them to sit on the Orange crate
  9. Welcome to the forum Mate as long as you are an Owl..if a Blade the other 350 club might suit you better lol. only joking, from Hilsborough originally but now living in Dorset. And good luck with the repair job
  10. 1. Go to Google Maps and click on 'Get directions' 2. Type Taiwan in Box A (departure) 3. Type China in Box B (destination) 4. Read line 23 and once you've stopped laughing give someone else a good chuckle...
  11. Iv'e got a three piece beachcaster 13' fits perfect mate, i will tell you the name of it in a short while once i go to the garage.
  12. A mate is after a good Dent repairer in the bournemouth/Poole areas. any Ideas? cheers
  13. I'M not bloody jealous at all...and fantastic photo's thank's
  14. Have a mini meet in Swanage on sunday..Paul (zugara) jim(doogyrev) Buster and keyser chief would come i am sure
  15. That got nothing to do with brake, he shut the door and I had no where to go... I could see that Mate,
  16. We go down to Fowey quite a lot and i know St Austel very well as i have stayed on most of the campsites in the area, we are down in october for a week so might get to meet up with you
  17. Blacks fastest as everyone knows And welcome Dexter it looks very tidy
  18. I have Family in Sheffield mate and will get them to ask a few questions in the area, where abouts in sheff was you working? I went up not long ago and within half an hour i got broke into and the cops didnt want to know. Sorry for your misfortune but all sheffielders aint bad just the scummy druggies
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