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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. just got rid of my B.B Storm2 and the only problem i had with the touch was that i didnt upgrade my software online and it started playing up. very good phone but changed to a iphone 3gs and it is much better
  2. Just spotted a 09 370 in gorgeous white In Swanage and the best bit was he stopped and had a bloody good look at mine.
  3. In my Teens when in the Royal Navy i Was an Angel in the field gun crew for Pompie (portsmouth) and trained all my life. after the field gun i took up boxing and fought for the Royal Navy against all the teams in the world.and got Into the England team fighting anyone who came along lol. Had a few pro fights with gloves and a few more without which was even better,Nowadays its just relaxing and keping Fattish my missus says i need more gym time but with the Zed its so easy to be a smooth driver and a fat bugger
  4. Got mine booked in at Abbey on the 2nd of june cant wait
  5. I had to reset mine but i used a paperclip as a pin is too sharp. works fne but doesnt show up on my p.c either so i use a lager dummy card to hold the small mini card.
  6. SORTED I managed to reset the little blighter and got it to work! Amazing quality video, the only problem i have now is if i plug it into the p.c i have to reset it after to get it to work properly. but well chuffed at quality.
  7. got mine this morning. i put a mini card in and it lit up Orange when i plugged it into the p.c and done nothing since, i cant turn it off or do anything with it.. any ideas? i tried the reset button but nothing
  8. this is a previous thread on s2000 viewtopic.php?f=9&t=27562
  9. I also got this email today with even more (and same) cameras that are small. http://www.pay4x.com/en/hidden-cameras.html
  10. mine still hasnt arrived just got an email in chineese telling me to wait a bit longer
  11. Not a lot wrong with that buddy looks pretty damn good
  12. I have a tool for removing the damaged screw if you want to borrow it, all you do is drill a small hole and insert the die and reverse the drill eh presto its out, drop me a pm if you want it.Dave
  13. Be sure to circulate the video of the postie and his wife LOL you havent seen his wife
  14. I ordered mine on the 14th April so my little postman is enjoying mine at the moment..I Will be having words with him
  15. As a photographer myself i am very very impressed with you results. Well done they look fantastic
  16. Thanks, i thought it might have been because it was an old post.
  17. Not a gripe but why when i have asked a seller a question in the for sale section it has to be approved by a Mod? I only asked if it was still for sale...I am only asking not complaining if i am in the wrong. cheers Dave
  18. Get a Zed Fee, count how many of the other cars they have told you to buy and then the Zed, you will stand out in the crowd not too many Zeds About and tons of the others.
  19. is it still for sale mate? cheers Dave
  20. I use Wareham tyres in Wareham mate, John the fitter is a top bloke and very carefull. Glad i didnt get the job in verwood now as i would have probably used the tossers too. Keep your chin up and when you swing the fist make sure it connects first time.
  21. Thank you very much for the info, it seems that is the way to go as i am about to phone Abbey to book me in for a remap, looking at the plenum spacer it looks quite easy to fit ? Cheers Dave
  22. Being new to this performance bit, Can someone in laymans terms tell me the advantages of fitting a plenum spacer? i am seriously thinking of upping the performance of the Zed but need more info, I have just fitted a pop charger and looking into upgrading my exhaust from oem, But keep seeing the plenum spacer being fitted so please someone fill me in and direct me in the right route
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