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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. Sorry about that,I got it wrong then, but then again my Zed did inspire me to go out and take the photos. i will put them in another thread,cheers Dave
  2. It looked sweet the other day Bob, got som admiring looks from passer bys while i stood there
  3. And another from today, Back street of Swanage..more to come
  4. just remembered, saw the photos and as i was at a very loose end today i tried to do a rural shot and industrial one which was quite hard in little old Swanage, hope you like p.s i hope it worked
  5. oooppppps forgot how to add a photo Help please
  6. Hi Nix, Have you tried a system restore to before it started cocking up? it might help
  7. Welcome to the forum, next time i am in pompey i will let you know and have a drive if you like
  8. Gaz i doubt very much that they would take the pi** out of you..you could even go pink and be ok mate lol
  9. did you have the headlights on? they only work when they are
  10. Iwas in the new forest area on sunday buddy in a black Zed
  11. I Know and will be there come hell or high water...on another note got the mini delivered and the police have just pulled the RAC wagon...it never bloody rains does it
  12. Well if anyone fancies a few days camping in Sunny Dorset I am the site manager of a school in swanage with quite nice grounds and even showers that could bee used, great beaches and lovely scenery around here, and its all FREE Well the odd pint for me that is
  13. The ferrari was in the services were we broke down along with a Audi r8 it was a very pretty young lady driving the ferrari and she struggled to turn it round in the services, I wish we had done the run to wales but the missus wasnt up to it, But looking at all the photos of the run it looks like they had a fantastic time. Defo for next year
  14. The black was me mate, just been to manchester to buy a mini cooper which died after 50 miles and is being shipped home by the rac. round trip of 700 miles for nothing. Gutted but yours looked well
  15. Done looking pretty good too i might add
  16. Sadley me and the wife cant make it on her medical grounds not being too good, But we would both like to wish you a great weekend and have loads of fun.Dave and Laraine
  17. safest place in manchester is called Sheffield mate.
  18. +2 works better than the blackberry
  19. Very good price and a lovely colour too
  20. I think you will sell no problem at that price, i would even add another grand on it to be true. the problem with the airbbag is one i have all the time and i sorted it by switching on and off three times waiting 4 seconds inbetween once the airbag light started to flash and it is cured glwts
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