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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. if at first you dont succeed...dont do a parachute jump
  2. Gaz, Envy are doing a deal at the moment for the lance and foam £63 and b&q have loads of washers on offer.
  3. 1. Zugara + Mrs Zugara. 2. Marcus (if I'm not working) 3. Gaz 4,SwanageDave + 1 might be missus,
  4. mate, nice to see us oldies taking over lol
  5. if its that good then why are most of the yanks fat ba%$"$ds?
  6. And as it happens i know a nice couple of lads (never been arrested) who live in sheffield and would love to earn a few quid on this scumbag. He needs a bit of his own medicine as that is the only thing they understand, going to court for people like them is just a day out
  7. This seems to be Cart before Horse as they are all saying you need to be pretty good at it before you get sponsorship, Unless its an accident company backing you. But good luck and live the Dream
  8. no problem at all its even easier than my old blackberry storm as you dont have to confirm connection everytime,
  9. my 3gs works fine with the bose
  10. Doesnt anyone use the F.M transmitters? i must say i havent tried mine with the bose but it works with my other car radios.
  11. Well thats that sorted then, no sister no affair, still a shite skipper tho
  12. I take it you are not the office typist?
  13. According to my contact in the footie world it is true, and if it is then its no wonder J.T Is pi**ed off and we finish up with a second rate Captain. not saying Gerrards no good at footie but as a skipper he is shite,
  14. Steven Gerrard has been having an affair with his sister in law, And the England team kept it quiet and he stayed as Captain. That is why he and J.T fell out..
  15. I am gutted, how much do they earn? Rooney where was he? what a load of utter bollox I really think we must be the worst team to play in a world cup, and to call them STARS Well it speaks for itself
  16. I Cant bloody believe mine, OGDILDO... I Bloody ask you i feel a right tool
  17. Mines factory fitted and i still get it, it really pisses me off as i have tried all sorts of tricks to stop it even having the missus stand there with a sponge
  18. Good Luck Craig, the slimey barsteward.
  19. Good old Sheffield Lads...bet they were OWLS fans too
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