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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. I have two cars with Admiral, the Zed and a mini cooper both fully comp and only £452 I am 54 with loads of no claim cover,
  2. To make matters worse my brother is called Daniel ogden so i will have to phone hime to see if he is the one that bought it the numpty. I bet it is
  3. Is there nowhere we can all park together and show off
  4. My wife loves em, and i am quite keen too, chesil speedsters in dorset make a fantastic replica
  5. We know the date, what about a time to meet? and should we have a convoy from Dorset too ?
  6. Are they Expensive? as mine being black with similar kit to yours and mine being covered in stone chips might be the way to go..I do like it very much
  7. Wouldnt you be better asking these questions on a BMW Forum? and tell him to get a Zed
  8. How the F%%% Did you get that photo of me ?
  9. Anytime you are in the area mate get in touch i am always around
  10. it was you i think, i saw you parking in the small carpark by the playground. i was going to tell you to park in my space on the residents but was late for a meal and getting dragged along by missus.
  11. I saw the same one in swanage about 1230, not sseen it in the area before it wasnt buster or Gaz
  12. A good weekend for me too, the area you will be camping is at the back of the school which is nice and quiet and also very private, there is a room to make tea coffee and chill out, it is a classroom but with sofa's so quite comfey. depending on how far and tired everyone is i thought we could have a drive out to the new forest or stay around this area. either go for a meal on saturday night at my Daughters restaurant or have a bbq here at school, Sunday a run out which i will sort out before hand. If anyone wants to google earth the location the postcode is BH192PH. My mobile number is 07787514080, cheers Dave
  13. when youve posted a few hundred items mate
  14. Well thats me buggered then, spent all afternoon Polishing and snowfoaming and it doesnt look a patch on yours, going to have to redo it all over again, well done and THANKS
  15. The Port Solent Meet sounds good. Where abouts are you located doogyrev? It would be nice to hear the scorpian and popcharger in the flesh I was over in Swanage yesterday, i'm originally from swanage and still have family over there so will pm you next time i go. i am at the middle school so pop in any time mate
  16. I will leave that to you Husky as any weekend suits me except the 8th aug as its my sons 21st. or even mid week if they cant make the weekend
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