I can sympathise with the poor bloke, only last year i was accused of swearing at two girls in year 5 (10yrs old) and it was the worst two weeks of my life, I knew i had'nt done it as i had a fantastic allibi being with three police officers and the headteacher (i am the site manager) and the two nice traveling men who had stolen my hord of copper piping. But just to be accused and then for two weeks be questioned by H.R over the matter was unreal, you start thinking to yourself well could i have swore at them as i do tend to have tourrettes monday to friday but only with the teaching staff, i could'nt sleep at night and felt physically sick and the worst part about living in a small town i was getting calls asking me if i had really done it. It was only after getting the Head teacher to look at the cctv cameras for the twentieth time at the area i was supposed to be in that he saw i wasnt there and lo and behold it was a teacher with the same build and shaved head as me that he started to believe me.Case dropped by county and big appology from the Head and governors. the teacher was later suspended on another case of letting a pupil blow herself up in a science practical and it was his own daughter. that it all came out, he admitted swearing at the girls for being in school but the shite kept his mouth shut hoping i would take all the blame. so good on the caretaker getting the result he deserved and i hope the other bloke is getting raped as i type.