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Everything posted by SwanageDave

  1. you should be able to also pick up a nikon D80 for that price too
  2. I was planning to do something last year but had to cancel as my mother was ill. Sounds interesting. Oh, and I noticed the children posting up on PH. Lots of bloody chavs i think lol. the run i am intending on doing is from swanage to exeter and up thewest coast nipping into wales and on up to ayreshire then across to Aberdeen and down the East coast finishing back here in swanage. i want to do it in 2 days and meeting up with members around the UK for photoshoots as proof. when its all sorted i will post it on here and be asking traders and members for sponsorship. i have a mate who will make me all the signs of sponsors/traders to stick on my car. the Main charity is homes for heroes which we are building here in Swanage for disabled soldiers/navy/airforce and family's to come and have a free holiday.
  3. I used to live in north queensferry years ago
  4. I have had some Better responces now from the Adults on pistonheads regarding different cars thank god and not telling me i am a sponging w******r One is a Dodge charger seen around bournemouth with all the stripes and ribbons, It might be a nice speedy get away from the church. And also some ideas they have come up with regarding an epic 1800 mile round trip of the UK i am doing for Cancer research and help for Heroes which i will be posting shortly once all the planning is done
  5. beauford with mini doors That's the one! I do
  6. I would buy a newer Zed and Pay for the old folks to go by Taxi..sorted. and no bloody whinging about how fast you go
  7. to the Forum, very nice looking motor and it is the best colour Black
  8. I agree Stew, they werent a very nice bunch on there and i got some real abuse but you live and learn, i Have got a Bentley Mulsane for the wedding and just now need a car to the reception which is different from the Norm. i may go with the DB5, Thanks anyway it was worth a shot
  9. Some kind soul advised me to ask n pistonheads to see if there was anything different for the day and so i did...big bloody mistake i have never had so much abuse in my life from being a begger to joining a club just for a free ride . which i never did.Jesus i wouldnt have bothered if i had known, thank god for this place
  10. No kit cars lol. he just wanted something different to get to the reception. I have a mate who has come up with a 1942 Rolls. and another with a DB5 so we are getting there And thanks for all the advice. by the way what is a Aussie V8? Cheers Dave
  11. This is Amazing Video Countdown to Prague's Astronomical Clock. http://www.wimp.com/astronomicalclock/
  12. Done..come on Irfan...... only kidding lol.good luck Paul
  13. Right here goes to see if anyone can help me. My Son Sam has dropped it in my lap that he is getting married in March next year, my problem is that besides paying for most of the Wedding myself he also wants me to sort the car for the bride and groom to get to the reception, I did offer a fleet of Zeds but as they are only two seaters he said no. So my request is Can anyone of you Gorgeous people on here help me out with something Special that i can Hire/beg/steal/ or borrow for the day which is the 12th of March. I dont mind how far away it is for the special car,i will sort out insurance for it if needed. Thank you and I hope someone can help me make this a special Day for them both Dave
  14. I'm in mode today so I've asked a couple of q's Also asked him a load of questions. see how he reacts lol
  15. I might pop in to the garage next week with my Nismo kitted Zed and ask him to point out the nismo bits on his
  16. the sleep button is a very small pin type thing at at the back of the laptop where the hinge is located.
  17. i had trouble booting up a satelite and it was the little button that puts it to sleep when you close the lid, i pressed it a few times and it seemed to release it and worked for quite a while. might be worth a shot before you spend any money on it
  18. Sounds awesome mate, hope to hear it tomorrow at bakers arms
  19. Bugger its true..my fav all time,
  20. I like my Tag monaco twenty four (25th wedding pressie) and I also have a Omega speedmaster pro as my daily watch. my son is a jeweler and can sometimes get good deals on watches mainley used rolex.
  21. I started with the obvious and Sex. then finished with Marries. very clever
  22. Bloody chickens i dont know why i bothered...Have you ever heard of racist chickens ? well i have three blackrocks and two white sussex. the blacks wont let the whites sleep on the perch so every morning i have to clean the shite off of the whites who sleep underneath them for some bloody reason, there is plenty of room but they just lay there and let em @*!# all over their feathers..i think a nice curry is going to be had soon. On the baby front she is doing great and changing every day..Love her to bits
  23. Got beat to that one lol. I have the distinctions of .LRPS then onto ARPS Was a lot of hard work that went into my qualifications and also loads of tears when knocked back. good luck with your venture mate.
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