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Posts posted by SwanageDave

  1. Working up in Sheffield last Friday, popped out of the works van for half an hour, come back and the driver window was smashed. Macbook pro, iPad2, tomtom and a few other little things gone!!!! Because I was in a rental van, my insurance did not cover the contents and I didn't take out extra insurance from the rental company. Oh, and i had to pay for the damage to the van (£600+). Not a good week for me! :rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant::rant:


    Anyone up that way hear anything, I would appreciate any news.


    I have Family in Sheffield mate and will get them to ask a few questions in the area, where abouts in sheff was you working? I went up not long ago and within half an hour i got broke into and the cops didnt want to know. Sorry for your misfortune but all sheffielders aint bad just the scummy druggies

  2. Just let me know and we can arrange something, Buster and keyser are local and i am sure zugara and doogyrev would be up for it. :thumbs:

    I shall have a chat with everyone on Sunday about a date :thumbs:

    O.K Buddy, the weather forcast for this weekend isnt too good anyway so one in the summer would be better, you could even camp over at my place (school) if you liked :thumbs:

  3. :yahoo: put jump leads on it and it all lit straight up, went for a short run and left it for ten minutes and it started, been stood now 2 hours and it fired up straight away, I will keep an eye on it over the next couple of days and see how it is before going and buying a new battery. Thanks for all the advice Lads :thumbs:
  4. It must be something in the air, the wifes just shouted down the Rabbits packed up..and that takes four batteries :p

    On A serious note i am still waiting for my mate with the jump leads and when i got in the interior light was on and wont go out now..is that because i cant lock it on the fob?

  5. Went to the car this morning and it wouldnt open on the key fob, So got the spare exactly the same... opened it with the key and when i tried to start her there was nothing at all totally dead as a dodo. I drove the car on tuesday and it was fine. Anybody got any ideas what it could be??? i didnt leave any lights or anything else on. :scare::rant::angry::angry:

  6. Why dont you have a drive out to Swanage for a nice day by the coast (the clean side) loads of areas for a bbq and some nice pubs too. i am sure a lot of the local Dorset cars would meet up too :thumbs:

  7. Mine was missing too, but i wouldnt be without it now, i think they are missing in a lot of cars because people like yourself have to buy one and when you sell on its one of those things to get a bit of money back. good luck with your car and welcome to the club :thumbs:

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