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Sam Mcgoo

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Everything posted by Sam Mcgoo

  1. Well....................................................... I know its not the v8 I thought I'd be getting, but after driving one I knew I had to own one at some point. My theory for doing it now over the others is; A. Because its fu*&ing awesome to drive! What a machine! B. Getting a decent Maserati Granturismo 4.7 MC shift would have been a bit more of a stretch financially right now. C. I'm still not 100% safe from redundancy at work and I reckon the GT-R will be much easier/ faster to sell should the worse happen and I need to get rid in a hurry. Anyway I picked it up on Friday. Its only a Litchfield stage 1, but my god it goes well. I forgot how much I love the mid-range torque of a turbo, pulls like a train! I will get the Granturismo MC as my next car if finances allow and I've still got a job but in the meantime I'm very happy with my purchase.
  2. Unless she's paying for it, she doesn't get a say This is true but the benefit of having her on board, is that when things go wrong and I'm spending ££ she can't say "I bloody told you not to get that stupid Porsche/TVR! "
  3. I'm still totally torn what to do! I'm getting frustrated now as I hate not having a car! My situation is a little different as I work away for a few weeks at a time so will be in the garage, then when I'm home for a few weeks would need to be usable daily. That rules out a classic for me, or I would seriously consider a 67-69 Camero or 240/250z. It also rules out Cobras etc as it needs to be usable all year in all weather. Investment wise it'd be a TVR or Porsche 911. but the missus hates both of them unfortunately. Yesterday I test drove a Stage1 GT-R and I have to admit I was blown away how good it was! I really didn't expect to like it as much as I did and I'm now VERY tempted by one. A few days before I drove the Aston 4.3 V8 Vantage. It was lovely, really classy, lovely nose (of course), quality interior and handled really well on the b-roads. I was impressed. It felt really special. However, it definitely lacked some low-end torque but I thought I might be able to live with it as having to rev the V8 to get full benefit was worth it. I wrote about my Maserati 4.2 Granturismo test earlier. My thoughts at the moment are if spending up to £35k it'll be the Aston. 35k - 45k = GT-R or 4.7 Granturismo. I just need to try the 4.7 Maser now then make a final decision. lol GT-R is winning right now though so if the right one came up I'd probably jump.
  4. Interesting thread, very similar views as were on my thread a few months ago http://www.350z-uk.c...something-else/ I'm still totally torn what to do! I'm getting frustrated now as I hate not having a car! My situation is a little different as I work away for a few weeks at a time so will be in the garage, then when I'm home for a few weeks would need to be usable daily. That rules out a classic for me, or I would seriously consider a 67-69 Camero or 240/250z. It also rules out Cobras etc as it needs to be usable all year in all weather. Investment wise it'd be a TVR or Porsche 911. but the missus hates both of them unfortunately. Yesterday I test drove a Stage1 GT-R and I have to admit I was blown away how good it was! I really didn't expect to like it as much as I did and I'm now VERY tempted by one. A few days before I drove the Aston 4.3 V8 Vantage. It was lovely, really classy, lovely nose (of course), quality interior and handled really well on the b-roads. I was impressed. It felt really special. However, it definitely lacked some low-end torque but I thought I might be able to live with it as having to rev the V8 to get full benefit was worth it. I wrote about my Maserati 4.2 Granturismo test in my thread above. My thoughts at the moment are if spending up to £35k it'll be the Aston. 35k - 45k = GT-R or 4.7 Granturismo. I just need to try the 4.7 Maser now then make a final decision. lol GT-R is winning right now though so if the right one came up I'd probably jump.
  5. It is a nice and well known forum car. BUT crap advert and ........seriously? 24k? about 10k overpriced.
  6. Wow, sad news. RIP Martin. You will be missed.
  7. No one with ticking fuel dampers at the moment?
  8. I met a 73 yr old member today. A very nice gentleman who regularly tracks his Zed.
  9. 1. Vortech 3.12" Pulley used to increase the boost produced by your vortech supercharger. As new never fitted - £65 Delivered 2. Gates Micro-V Horizon V belt 6PK2358. 92"7/8ths - The belt needed to fit the above 3.12" pulley to a DE Rev1 Vortech pulley set up. Box damaged Belt is as new - £18 delivered or £15 if purchased with above pulley. 3. GTM pulley mod - A pinch roller that can be added to your Vortech setup to help prevent belt slip. I bought this 2nd hand from another forum member but have never used it myself. Requires an M10 Bolt to fit. - £35 delvered More info on all the parts can be found here - http://my350z.com/fo...-questions.html Example of fitted roller
  10. I got a PM @ 1.15am so he has first 'dibs' I'm affraid. He is letting me know later today hopefully. ChrisB is first reserve.
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