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Sam Mcgoo

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Everything posted by Sam Mcgoo

  1. Sam Mcgoo


    Depends what your used to I suppose. My 350 has the best lights of any car I've ever had.
  2. Sounds an awesome day as expected. Gutted I missed it, but will definitely try and make one of the others. I just hope it'll be a good turn out again. ** currently getting pi**ed on holiday! **
  3. Welcome to the club. I don't think you'd regret giving the 350z a go. There is a buyers guide/ what to look for. Have a little search around and get familiar with the site.
  4. Take your cog pulley off and run it Na until you get your retune. It should run fine like that. I've done it many times. If it doesn't run normally, you've got other issues not relating to the SC.
  5. my torque has almost halved. She has become a boring drive... I am going to need a remap ASAP I think if its that bad you may have an issue somewhere. I would check for vacuum leaks on Intake pipework, plenum and spacer. Also exhaust.
  6. I dare say they had their lights on for your benefit, not because they couldn't see. On a sunny day, if the sun is low in the sky, the sun can be blinding if your driving towards it making it pretty difficult to see oncoming traffic unless they have their headlights on. I know if i'm driving, and the sun is bright and low in the sky behind me, I put my headlights on so people can see me. And yes....I also wear sun glasses. well, if I had your zed @ your spec, wearing sunglasses is an obligation.
  7. I dare say they had their lights on for your benefit, not because they couldn't see. On a sunny day, if the sun is low in the sky, the sun can be blinding if your driving towards it making it pretty difficult to see oncoming traffic unless they have their headlights on. I know if i'm driving, and the sun is bright and low in the sky behind me, I put my headlights on so people can see me. And yes....I also wear sun glasses.
  8. You have answered your own question. ....... Although I've just noticed it wasn't a question, but a statement You have changed the airflow characteristics of your intake and exhaust so the fueling will be all over the place. As you said, you will need a remap. Have you done an ECU reset? It some times forces the ECU to re-learn a bit quicker. I would disconnect the battery for 5 mins, reconnect then give it a couple of days driving about to adjust.
  9. Can't believe how many changes you have made over the years, you must get bored really easily Bob So are you changing the roof back again now it doesn't match the bonnet? Have you got any pics of the headlights on? ie sidelights, dipped, full, indicators. I think I like them but cant figure out which bits light up when.
  10. You're worse than them........Think about what your doing please.....So you blind them (and any other drivers that might be in front or behind them) and drive at them down the middle of the road? Absolute stupidity!
  11. Rear fogs left on when not needed annoys the f*^k out of me, as they are very bright, usually at eye level and that makes it dangerous because it impairs your vision. But.....I really don't get the hate for fronts.... Front fogs/driving lights as some call them don't bother me at all. They are usually low down, well bellow eye level and if they are adjusted correctly then they point down at the road and curb just a few meters in front of car so do not blind on coming traffic and actually light up the curb and road markings which is where you need the extra light. Poorly adjusted headlights (dipped beam) are a much bigger problem especially on 4x4s and other higher vehicles where they just point right into your eyes. I also think quite a lot of the DRLs are a bit too bright, again especially the ones at eye level.
  12. Obviously, if the other pulley is a different size the tune will be wrong so it will change the fueling anyway and you'll need another tune. For future reference, a good place to start with any faults, is to remove the toothed cog belt and drive it NA. That way you know if its a boost problem or not. Hope you get it sorted.
  13. Plug it in and see what it tells ya. If its drivers side gaffer tape it somewhere you can see it. If passenger side, sit it in the cup holder.
  14. You boys are slacking! Ian - Get that connected up, even if you don't mount it and just sit it on the floor. It will tell you straight away if your running rich or not.
  15. Only just catching up with this thread. Sorry to hear it hasn't gone totally smoothly. The pulley is obviously causing a mechanical issue with it rubbing. Have you looked at the US site? I remember reading quite a lot about the need for the 2.89" pulley needing machining before fitting as its missing a chamfer that the other pulleys have. I can't see that causing your fueling issues though. Have you got an AFR gauge? If not I would highly recommend getting one. You would instantly know if it was running rich then and not just a smell. Personally I think its by far the most important thing to have when FI once you understand whats going on. Over the years it has aided me massively in fault finding almost every issue I've had, and has definitely prevented any issues causing any serious damage. It does sound like you have an issue elsewhere. I average between 18 and 23 mpg per tank unless on track. Regarding the fuel smell, if it's not over fueling, it could be the decats, the cam cover vents etc... Also check the pipework to the EVAC solenoid at the rear of the plenum. I had a split hose where it joined the solenoid and it really was smelly...(of Fuel). I assume you pressure tested all the pipework since you've had the issue? If not start with that as any leak after the MAF will cause it to over fuel on boost.
  16. That didn't hang about. Still in the club?
  17. We had our honeymoon there in 2012. We went to Kerudu, which is one of the bigger islands, although you can still walk round the whole perimeter in about 35 mins. I think it had the best of both worlds, as you could be totally alone, romantic and not see anyone all day when you wanted, but there was also some activities available if your not one for sitting around all day everyday. I would highly recommend the scuba diving - rays, turtles, octopus ,sharks (if you want) and all the amazing colorful fish on the reef. It was absolutely amazing. We have never been on holiday to the same place twice.....but we will definitely go back there. Probably on our 10th.
  18. The amount of Man hours that went into this car was epic. It does seem to be cheap on the face of it, and will be a great buy for the right person. The need for a respray isn't a bad thing, they might even paint it a nice colour. Good luck with the sale Chris.
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