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Sam Mcgoo

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Everything posted by Sam Mcgoo

  1. As has been said already, there are too many variables to compare cars accurately and most performance calculators are nowhere near accurate. My previous car - Supra TT6 was running ~400bhp @fly but 'felt' a bit faster due to the twin turbo power delivery but that also meant it was a lot more unpredictable. My Zed running 402BHP @ Hubs (~442@Fly) is much nicer to drive and power is much more usable due to its linear power delivery, but that does mean you need to use the revs more to get the best out of it. If I'm honest, I think they are actually faster than they feel. Actual times, I don't know, but realistically would say 0-60 under 5 secs, maybe if you manage a perfect get away and gear change down towards 4.5secs but definitely no fast than that. (I'd love to be proved wrong though ) I think they really start to perform in 3rd gear and upwards once you get it rolling. Over taking is a pleasure. Whether it'll be enough for you..........Its never enough. I've had mine over 4 years now and still love it. It's comfortable, beautiful, sounds awesome, goes pretty fast and I can drive it to and from track for an occasional session. Regarding comparisons, A friend of mine had a TVR Cerberra 4.5. and on various spirited drives (on private roads/runway), once rolling, he struggled to pull away from me up to about 120mph when we slowed down. This was a surprise to us. That said, they are hand built and quite feasibly he could have had less power then advertised. We actually swapped cars for an afternoon and both preferred my Zed. The TVR felt and sounded like you were going a million miles an hour, but in truth it wasn't much, if any, quicker than mine. And when it got to a corner there was no contest. Also last year at a trackday I did, I spent most of the day driving round with a nice bloke in an AM V8 Vantage. I was slightly faster than him, but not by a lot. Over the course of the day pretty much whoever started the session in front remained there as there was not enough difference in speed to get past each other. Here's a little vid from the pit lane of the Aston in tow. There are more vids on my page if you wanna look. (can't seem to embed it for somereason!) MPG - I reckon over the years I average between 18-21mpg everyday driving. On a long run I get about 24mpg and on track...about 7mpg If you love your 350z but want it faster, its a no-brainer. If you just want a fast car, then there is much cheaper options. Also, I'd be very surprised if you manage 400WHP from the Stillen setup as you mention, so do you research. They sound amazing, but 400BHP@fly will be about the max you can expect.
  2. Funny, I remember that as the worse, most boring period of F1 in my lifetime
  3. Good to see it actually drives then Chris. The Snetterton 'car park shakedown' wasn't conclusive. I bet you're well pleased. Ooooo it looks a lot of fun!
  4. Welcome to the club and good luck on the hunt.
  5. Welcome to the club Trac Indeed, a kit that has been discussed at length over the years but not usually in a positive light. But as you say, everyone likes different things and it's good to stand out from the crowd. Personally, dunno why you didn't just get a Vectra in the first place........
  6. Mental amount of work going into the garage, let alone the car! Enjoying the updates, keep them coming.
  7. I Pm'd you about these last week, you said they were sold? Pm'd again,
  8. Where in the east midlands are you? May help with volunteers.
  9. I have no idea about roll cages, but am looking forward to watching this progress with envy.
  10. Probably not fuse 10, but a 10 amp. If everything is working, don't worry, just keep it as a spare. (If it is not blown) As you found it behind the heater controls, I suspect it is/was something aftermarket stereo related.
  11. Depends how far out of calibration/dirty the sensor is - however, I'm not saying the sensor is at fault I think the sensor may be fine, and something else may be causing the lean reading in bank 1. Vacuum leak, exhaust leak, injector issue etc... It could have been a problem that was there before the mods and Uprev and the ECU could compensate for it, but after tuning (which usually means running the car a little leaner in order to gain more power) the fuel can't be trimmed enough. Or it could be a new fault such as that listed above. The fact is these can be very difficult faults to trace without more information, equipment, tuning ,dyno etc and from home your limited to what you can do. Regarding the 80 miles, I've had a few issues on the zed over the years with fueling and I have had a similar thing happen. Mine had a lean spot in the map that would only materialise approx 60 miles after reflashing the ECU due to the ecu being able to compensate for a while before it had run out of adjustment. You have two main choices 1. Contact the tuner and ask his opinion /advise on the matter. 2. do a few checks yourself to try and find it yourself. If I was you this is what I would do - 1. Read the fuel trims with your OBDII reader and see what it tells you. eg - if Bank1 is +ve **% and Bank 2 is -ve **% (you would expect them to be roughly the same or at least both +ve or both -ve. Make a note of what ever you get. 2. Get under the car and swap your two front sensors over (they are in the downpipe before the CATs) - so fit drivers side to passenger side and vise verse. While your there look for any exhaust leaks and deal with them accordingly. 3. Reset your ECU and go for a drive. It may need to be 80miles again for the EML to illuminate, or you could just keep an eye on your fuel trims to see if its heading in the same direction. If you get the fault back, but its on Bank 2 this time, then the Sensor is probably your issue. Get a new one and try again. If the fault remains on Bank 1, then there is another issue. 4. Look for Vacuum leaks around all pipes, joints,hoses, plennum etc. A good way to do it, is to remove your intake and block the pipe (air tight). remove a vacume hose from the plenumm and using a pump/airline/tyre inflator pressurise the plennum to 5-10psi and see if it holds. Go round all joints, connections hoses and gaskets with some soapy water and brush it on looking for bubbles. If you find any, fix them. Start with the above and let us know what you find regarding the fuel trims in stage one. Good luck. Edit - I'm not pretending to be an expert but over the years have gained some experiance and I have managed to sort my own similar issues in this manner.
  12. Your fault light is suggesting a lean condition as read by bank 1 sensor 1 (front sensor drivers side). The reason its taking 80 miles to come back on after a reset is most likely that the ecu is able to compensate for any fueling errors using the Fuel Trims. But once it reaches its maximum adjustment it will throw the light on as it can no longer compensate. You say you have an OBDII reader. Plug it in and get some more information BEFORE you reset it. Look at the real time data display and look at the short and long term fuel trims. , I suspect that LTFT bank1 and LTFT bank2 will be quite different values. Let us know what you see. Also, - DO NOT drive your car hard until you have got to the bottom of this. If your car IS running lean on one bank you could do some serious damage if driven hard.
  13. Also make sure your brake fluid is on MAX, anything lower can cause these issues.
  14. Welcome to the club, hope you enjoy your new mota.
  15. Looking good. I think your right about the side steps. With a large lip like that, a full size side skirt will look much better.
  16. So is that decision made then? Purchased? Lovely cars, but the rear (too me) is fugly. Another Jag in the club, you'll have your own sub forum soon.
  17. Totally missed this thread! Colin, without a Zed.....seems weird. Like something isn't quite right with the world. I'm sure you'll find something that makes you smile just as much. Even if the car doesn't give the same pleasure, having the granddaughter with you will make up for it.
  18. Welcome to the club. Sorry to hear about your early issues. Hope you get it sorted painlessly and it doesn't dampen your love for the zed.
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