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Sam Mcgoo

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Everything posted by Sam Mcgoo

  1. Loving the look of this car! Is it still for sale or did it sell on ebay the other day?
  2. Thanks for the welcome guys. I'll be keeping an eye on the classifieds here while I research as I would much rather buy from a club member.
  3. Hi, Thought I'd introduce myself. Originally an Essex boy now living in Norfolk, I'm considering a 350z for my next car and have come here to read and learn a bit about them to help me decide. I'm currently driving a 6 speed manual twin turbo Supra running around 400bhp. I've had it for 5 years now and fancy a change. I have always been into zeds since I was a nipper due to my dad having a '78 260z (which was the first car I ever fell in love with) a 280zx, a Z31 300zx and a Z32 300zx. I myself had a Z32 300zx n/a for 7 years until I sold it last year due to not having enough room to keep it alongside the Supra. I absolutely LOVE the look of the 350, particularly with the Nismo kit and a nice set of wheels. I test drove an early 350z (276hp) last year and although being a lovely place to sit and it handling very nicely I was a little under-whelmed with its performance and decided it wasn't for me. Anyway, a year has past and again I fancy a change and a 350z is near the top of the list again so I'm considering my options. I'm liking the idea of a supercharged or turbo'd 350, so I'm gonna spend a bit of time on here reading and researching into whether I would be best buying one already done or buying a 'stockish' one and converting it as and when I feel necessary. I'm also wondering if the difference in power between the earlier and later engines can really be felt on the road? Maybe a later one would keep me satisfied for a while? Thanks, Sam (sorry for the long jackenory)
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