Thought I'd introduce myself. Originally an Essex boy now living in Norfolk, I'm considering a 350z for my next car and have come here to read and learn a bit about them to help me decide.
I'm currently driving a 6 speed manual twin turbo Supra running around 400bhp. I've had it for 5 years now and fancy a change.
I have always been into zeds since I was a nipper due to my dad having a '78 260z (which was the first car I ever fell in love with) a 280zx, a Z31 300zx and a Z32 300zx. I myself had a Z32 300zx n/a for 7 years until I sold it last year due to not having enough room to keep it alongside the Supra.
I absolutely LOVE the look of the 350, particularly with the Nismo kit and a nice set of wheels. I test drove an early 350z (276hp) last year and although being a lovely place to sit and it handling very nicely I was a little under-whelmed with its performance and decided it wasn't for me.
Anyway, a year has past and again I fancy a change and a 350z is near the top of the list again so I'm considering my options.
I'm liking the idea of a supercharged or turbo'd 350, so I'm gonna spend a bit of time on here reading and researching into whether I would be best buying one already done or buying a 'stockish' one and converting it as and when I feel necessary.
I'm also wondering if the difference in power between the earlier and later engines can really be felt on the road? Maybe a later one would keep me satisfied for a while?
Thanks, Sam
(sorry for the long jackenory)