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Sam Mcgoo

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Everything posted by Sam Mcgoo

  1. I'll be there with the mkiv supra club ( in the zed) if anyone wants to say hello.
  2. Every sports car I've had with frame-less windows on the door has done this in the colder months/ rainy days and I've never found any leaks. I think its just a characteristic of this type of car.
  3. Not sure about damage, but i think most of them remove polish.
  4. I should have been more thorough in my searching earlier. Just found this: http://www.350z-tech.com/w/images/7/72/Kinetix_Cats.jpg So they appear to be Kinetix hi-flow cats after all.
  5. You never know when some 'pheasant' might be along to steal your camera!
  6. Hi Guys, I had my first look under the zed today to see whats what. In the advert when I bought the car It said " 2 * Straight through Kinetix downpipes / decat". I asked the seller if I needed CATs for the MOT and he said it passes as is. I have also seen posts of his showing Kinetix hi flow Cats. Looking today I seem to have Cats in place but have no idea what they are. They also appear to have a patch welded on each of them? Can anyone help identify them? Thanks
  7. Yeah,will do. I was limited for time and was on my own. I had to leave the camera on tree so couldn't go too far.
  8. I should have added that no pheasants were injured during the filming of this.
  9. With Kinetix High flow Cats With Japspeed decats
  10. Got a couple of pics of my own and a quick video today. I didn't have a great deal of time and was on my own, so for the vid I balanced the camera on a tree.
  11. I could possibly take one of mine off and take some pics for you. I'll have a look if I get the chance as I would prefer them white or blue.
  12. Just had a look, the receipt is from 2005. Performance Nissan in the USA (http://www.mynismo.com) $363 for the the set-2 sill trims and rear strut. They are LED (orange) and have a mirror finish. Mine are wired to illuminate when doors/ boot is open. No pics in the dark atm. I just had a look on the website but the don't seem to list them any more.
  13. I've got that on my rear strut (same as in the attached pic) with matching door shuts. They were put on by the previous owner but I think I have the receipt somewhere. I'll have a look. Not 100% sure they are LED, I need to have a closer look.
  14. Nicely spec'd motor Ian. If I hadn't just got one this would be high on my list. GLWTS.
  15. Hi John, welcome. I myself have just come from the Supra fold after 5 years (Black BPU TT6) It was just time for a change for me. That's going to be a special one when it finished. Manual Aero is a rare beast.
  16. Iv'e heard of the 'Dogs danglies' but the 'Cat's Tw*t' is a new one on me!
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