Hi Guys of Abbey,
I've had my S/C Zed a few months now and loving it. I do a fair bit of spirited road driving and in the very near future I'll be taking it on the track. For piece of mind I'm thinking of a trip down to you for a bit of a S/C health check and make sure everything is running as it should ( Boost, AFR's etc).
The car is known to you ( previous reg J6KED) as I have various receipts of work carried out by you for the previous owner, including the installation of the Vortech kit, Kinetix SSV etc...
From what I can make out, the tuning was done solely using the Vortech Split Second Timing Box.
I'm interested to know if there would be any benefit of having Uprev done? Or if it even can be done with the SST box fitted ?
I feel the car is fast enough (for now ) so longevity is high on my priority list, but if a few more ponies could be found safely that would be a bonus.
Also, would I be right in thinking Uprev would remove the speed limiter and give me 100% throttle in all gears?
Car is a 54 UK GT with the following engine mods;
Vortech V2 S/C Kit
Autosportwiring ECU harness
Split-second timing ECU piggyback
Kinetix SSV Inlet Manifold
Invidia true dual exhaust
Kinetix HF Cats
Denso Iridium one-step colder plugs
JWT Oil pan spacer
Pneumatic engine damper