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Posts posted by brown7758

  1. 45p per mile!!!!


    rules have changed for the Army aswell,




    under 1.25l = 12.5ppm

    over 1.25l+ = 25ppm




    All engine sizes = 25ppm :thumbdown:


    where is the over 3l bracket i keep asking, only to be told 'buy a smaller engined car!' :bang:

    hhhhmmmmmm nope ;)


    ive had 32-34mpg on a few long haul motorway trips, but i get a heavy foot when the traffic lets me.. :p

  2. just to throw this in there (mostly because i like it :p )


    try photoshopping your pic so that the pillars and wing mirrors are gloss to see what you think.. just another angle to make your choice tougher :p


    also, if that looks good, gloss black Z burgers may really set it off :p


    with this though, the boot gets done aswell.. i think because i have a Nismo rep spoiler that has a gloss base and silver top it makes a Difference..


    same again though, this was done before i got her but i love the look



  3. my Z has gloss top half, i think if i was keeping the colour/kit and getting wheels, it would be gloss top, lip and grill as the wheels bring it all together nicely :teeth:


    but as is in the car world,


    personal choice and opinion should win every time as its your pride and joy and your going to live with it ;)




  4. Look decent, should the boot lid be over hanging the rear bumper?



    just looks like the boot lid isnt closed properly as its a test fit :shrug:


    is there a way of stealthing the H bars? poss taking it back and shrinking whilst bringing the grill forward slightly??

    would help with regidity but keep a de cluttered look...


    smothing of front bumper join :thumbs:


    ive always thought the corners at the bottom of the front may look better with more of a curve than an angle..


    De badging and smothing :- more of a personal choice for whoever buys the kit, i think it looks good with my silver at the mo, but im putting a Z burger on my new kit in the new colour..

    because of this, it could be left and if wanted, filled before fitting :D


    overall, i wish this thread and option was available a month ago :headhurt:



  5. Some good music choices above (and some that windows need to be up for :p )


    mostly these albums for me recently...


    1. Pink Floyd - The Wall 1 & 2

    2. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight

    3. Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More

    4. Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire (great Album)

    5. Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony

    6. Eminem - Recovery


    with the next few popping in and out :p


    Bruno Mars - Doo Wops and Hooligans

    Mash Up Euthoria

    30 Seconds to Mars - This is War

    The Annual 2011

    Rob Dougan - Furious Angels


    and a whole lot more on the I-Pod when i remember it :p

  6. my wee brother worked in a VW garage for almost a year and every other mechanic in there had a Golf,

    and all of them had their front plate in the windscreen for as long as they had the car.. all they said happened

    to them was a warnin every so often and an advisory to front mount it... i think mine will be window based for

    at least a while ;)


    cars looking very B):#1::thumbs:



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