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Everything posted by bounty78

  1. Nice looking Zed Don't worry about the small niggles, they are common problems like the rear CV joint and could easily be rectified..search is your friend..there is a wealth of info here.
  2. black wheels look , white wheels just look confused
  3. for all u know she might look like Ronaldinho
  4. I couldn't agree more..i had a E93 325iSE before, and the rides are firm and harsh. Run flat tyres get a thumbs down from me
  5. All new brake pads need to be bedded in. This should hopefully sort it out viewtopic.php?f=35&t=19501
  6. Pain is when you are working out. Don't forget the before and after picture..will be watching this thread with interest Hope it works for u.
  7. i have one without the 350 on..just the Z logo if u are interested viewtopic.php?f=32&t=40645 Only downside, few of the allen screws are missing(but it still holds the two sides together fine) and u will need new sticky dots
  8. But the wipex ones are not the right size. I am sure it's 20" for the driver and 18" for the passenger side. Are they silicone wipers as well?
  9. Yo..That looks sick!! Learnt that phrase from Pimp My Ride MTV. I think that chap had been on here before looking for parts.
  10. Yes..I had the same problem so i rang them up. The chap on the phone said u could use the rear blade for the passenger side as they are the same size 18". The driver's side is 20". So u need to order a driver and a rear if that make any sense. It works out to be about £15 once VAT and p&p has been added. Can't fault them..first class delivery as well
  11. I got some silicone wipers from Tripledge. They come with lifetime warranty/replacement! They have been on for few weeks..very happy with them so far. Well worth every penny and far cheaper than PIAA and most silicone wiper brands out there. http://www.tripledge.co.uk/
  12. Cheers Didnt think either stock Volvo S60 T5 stuff Yes..points made Keep forgetting that some people have more than one car. The Zed is my daily drive.
  13. Why don't u try R35LEE or ZMANALEX..less hassle Try 247spares.co.uk as well.
  14. Never been a big fan of wannabe bodykits like the Aston Martin kit or GTR kit. Looks tacky..probably be getting the attention for the wrong reason
  15. Was cleaning the interior of the Zed this morning and guess what i found under the passenger seat. A tax disc holder with a Z logo engraved on it. Unfortunately it's surplus to requirement. So if anyone is interested, drop me a PM. I think it retails around £12-13 on ebay. I will be happy to see it go for £7 including p&p. Please note few of the allen screws are missing but one of them is still on and it seems fine with just the one screw. You will need some sticky dots at the front to make it stick on the screen. Like i have said, i found this incidentally under the seat. Hence this is reflected in the price. Need new sticky dots 4 of the screws are missing seems to keep them together despite the one screw
  16. pic No 1 Why don't u get it vinyl wrap..at least it will be reversible
  17. Will keep people posted if i could get to the bottom of this. Hopefully it's not going to cost me and arm and a leg can one of the mod please amend the spelling error for the title..don't think i could do it from my end
  18. If you are after a replica you could try CS, Leon from EPR racing or try Chilli Red aka Sarah for the real deal. They are both traders on here. If you could stretch your budget..go for the real deal. The replica is made out of crappy fibreglass and they are paper thin and it's not a direct bolt on kit. Some work has to go into them to make them fit..the bodyshop will be able to tell u this. Apparently the real NISMO kit fits better without much work. Hope this helps.
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