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Everything posted by Roo

  1. mixed emotions. Yes it will reduce deaths as you won't get idiots trying to overtake on blind summits but it ruins driving enjoyment when it is clear and safe. If it stops the idiots tho its a good thing I suppose...
  2. Been talking about it with a mate, thinking of going on a camping tour but need to cost it and factor in some new rubber and balance it against some work I want done. One bit of advice I have seen is to get a copy of forza or similar. Its not good practice for driving but will help learn the layout before you get there. Go for it
  3. As Harry hill would say there is only one way to find out..... Or the OP could just ask the seller....
  4. The interior is functional - i.e. it is designed for driving. Its not "pretty" but Ive seen worse. The important bits are all fine and you wont spend mutch time admiring the finish on the plastic so I wouldnt let it bother you too much!
  5. Mot info here... http://www.motinfo.gov.uk/
  6. Bout £120 for key and program through dealer iirc. Garage should have checked MOT and been able to confirm what advisors were sounds like usual naff sale assistant. All MOT's are computerised now, you should be able to pull the details of the advisor off the dvla. You will need mot cert and v5.
  7. Show plates can not even be legally manufactured within the uk iirc. So no excuse for having them imo, not like folks don't know they are not legal. Dont do the crime if you can't do the ...... um .... 3 points and fixed penalty! Get em changed, sometimes they let you off first time with a "warning" next time it may be a bit of paper!
  8. You do not have to at the end of the day, its an induction kit (glorified air filter) it takes only 2 minutes t unbolt and replace with stock. I dont think id be able to stop! Its keeping me from spending too much on bits and insurance tho I supose
  9. argh! why did it take out a waranty! very tempted but dont want to invalidate it so will have to wait another 9 months...
  10. Whaaaat! Rat rod zed.... its the latest trend dontcha-know......
  11. Roo


    Meguires gold class is my fave personally
  12. Followed you from sheffield centre on and off. ( I Wasn't in zed was in a dodgy green citroen!)
  13. Car washes are hateful things. Bet they try and wriggle out of paying providing you were within the guide lines you should have a good argument. Last time I was in one (not in zed) it would not start until you were in the correct position.
  14. What he said! I try to blot out plates. my mum got a speeding ticket once... even tho the car had been wrapped round a tree by my brother the week before 200 miles away...
  15. One definition of a mod from the "modifcation insurance" suppliment on my policy. Non Standard Parts/Modification Fitted parts or alterations which - affect the insured vehicles' cosmetic appearance and/or performance and/or mechanical make up - are not made or sold by the vehicle manufacturer, or parts which differ from the original manufacturer's specification So a non nissan part would have to be different for the manufacturers spec before it would be classed as a mod providing it did not change the appearance of the vehicle.... ....... looks like im taking that "honk if you bonk" sticker off...
  16. Strictly any non standard equipment is a mod, be it a 3cm sticker to a supercharger but at lot of insurers won't count one or 2. Id just ask em if it would change premium. Don't forget undeclared mods can invalidate your insurance.... so you can not legally drive it! Get caught and its bad news! Its obvious to an untrained eye if using a blitz or px filter that are obviously not standard but some like cosworth look "normal-ish". You could allways keep the old paper filter, it only takes 2 minutes to change I personally doubt insurance companies would check the air filter if you have a standard looking engine bay TBH, unless they suspected it was a factor. But they might try and use it as an excuse to not pay out as you had not declared it. What would be interesting to know is If you follow the policy any non nissan part would count as a modification it would get silly, if your garage fitted a blueprint oil and air filter or non nissan aux belts it would have to be listed!
  17. Ive used the prism flexible strips before for similar lighting on exterior, they are not the brightest but it makes them suitable for subtle applications like this where you are not after in-your-face effect. Very hard wearing tho. Had some on car for 3 years and were still fine when i sold it. Alternativly you could just carry a big magnetic arrow for when transporting blonds....
  18. Hmmmm from a purely looks point its nice. But as a clone of a gtr its pointless, why make a 350z look like a gtr? Its a good design tho IMO plus lots of free flowing air which is a shame as I can't abide with trying to look like a fake skyline. Conflicted about this one.
  19. Very Practical - lots of seats & storage... no problem parking either just stick the blue light on and leave it where you want! Not sure the mpg is particulaly good tho
  20. Only available as imports I think - dont think they ever sold it uk.
  21. There is a search function? Can set it to anything you want.... then just pulls results from google
  22. Think we should all use this from now on http://www.funny-google.com/?name=350z%20UK%20Search
  23. INetbook plus. Tablet pc's are nothing new. Sounds like its running a enhanced version of the Ipod touch OS. Being an apple you'll be stuck with Itunes and apple software/apps unless you are naughty. I think you'll need to have a apple mac or similar anyway and this will just be a portable extension of that. But I imagine the GUI is slick apple are good at making stuff pretty and intuative. Would make a great carputer... Personally I think its expensive for something which most people will just use for browsing/photos and the odd e-mail. But at a max 64 gig in the top range one you may need an external drive if you have lots of photos/music. I'm sure we will see it in films/on tv as the apple marketing engine swings in to full flow.
  24. Roo


    That's shocking! Happens all to often I fear. But as we are finding out, even if whoever hits you seem sound at the time, later they can be a to$$er.
  25. I phone is stylish and slick but I've used HTC's Google G1 for ages and Android is a top notch OS. The Nexus is supposedly better than the I phone it certainly has a better camera. And being google there are thousands of free apps as well as ones to pay for. The other big advantage is the Google ones don't use Itunes ... which is a major advantage and you can use them like a portable Hdrive just drag and drop Mp3's etc. Also I have dropped my HTC on the floor many a time and its been fine. Same can't be said for friends with I phone Also being similar to linux the android OS is intrinsically secure. No known threats unlike apple. And as its open source no risk of being sued by kodak! Id go for nexus personally, I phone next. But wait to see if they sort out the support issues.
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