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Everything posted by Roo

  1. Second the lots of training thing. I did Mudo TKD and a bit of Hapkido i think It was about 4 years before I would have classed myself as competant-ish. And another 2 before I could give the instructor a run decent for his money. (I remeber the day I first got him properly! all I got was a "well done" - then he kicked my arse across the floor...) something went pop tho so my kicking peoples heads days are well gone Practice Practice Practice...
  2. Roo


    Good luck. Hopefully just a case of wheel balancing.
  3. They should be able to re-print the invoice. My local nissan did for my waranty claim. You could ask them to re-print it and post it out.
  4. Roo


    Check the obvious, nothing snagged and wheel nuts torqued up. Sounds like wheel balancing possibly. Are you getting vibration in the steering wheel? Otherwise may be something in the supension/drive train.
  5. Had some of mine resprayed and i cant tell where one stops and other starts! According to paintshop chap you sometimes see difference on plastic vs metal but any good shop should be able to blend it its not a nightmare colour. Guess it depends on body shop. I had a pearl red car once... one place flat refused to work on it the colour was that hard to match.
  6. Roo


    You can pic up relativly cheap flush fitting security posts from caravan accesories places. Certainly cheapest ive found. Just cement in to drive and it gives a large visual deterent. Just dont keep the key for the post with the car keys!
  7. According to the advert the bonnet blew up so has probably bent at the hinge. Or worse. It states it was a category d write off..... And as for that spoiler... Makes the car look like a handbag. Plus there is a ford puma down the road with the same thing.... In lime green.
  8. Nice pics. I think my brother had a viper experience somewhere else. He loved it. i did the lambo/gtr experience thingy. I would definatly do it again. Although i must say i found the galardo a more engaged drive.
  9. Mine was caused by a the contents of a ladies handbag sliding around under the seat. Nothing dirty unfortunately...
  10. The "sugar cube" q park in sheffield has individual spaces on every other floor. 1.5 Times bigger than a normal space right round the corner from the lifts, and wall oon either side. Only public car park i like!
  11. good stuff. Watchout for stuff sliding about under the seat. I found a rogue ladies aerosol under my passenger seat which had been think knocked the connectors.... Good job it was the gf's mates. ... I would have been in trouble otherwise!
  12. here you go - not sure if they are in the uk http://www.performanceplustire.com/prod ... prodAnchor
  13. Had a play with those tyre pens - dont really last very long so not worth the effort IMO. I think Kumho did a specialist line of tyres for drifters that smoked different colours but cant quite remember.
  14. Links / worn bush.... And have you checked everything in the spare wheel compartment is secure?!
  15. There is a key trick you can do that resets the airbag light. It sorted mine. Have a search. If it comes on again after check connectors under the seat i believe.
  16. Have a look at the plasticote range. They do allsorts inc. Glow in the dark! How about pages from an A-Z.... Saves on the sat nav. Or the relevant haynes manual... Or and im not sure what the legal implications are... Vintage porn? Tho you may have to do some editing on the pics if you dont want to get lynched in tescos car park!
  17. Chalk board paint and chalks.... propper old school can change the "design" whenever you want... or a gloss white and wipe board markers. And do an Actual baked bean tin exhast...
  18. Do a williams renault espace f1 on it and stick a big v10 in the middle..
  19. Wheel alignment normally costs chap, I imagine they just did the balancing unless they are really nice to you May sound silly but check torque on on wheel nuts (and they are all on).
  20. Mine started making a noise after about 4 months but only in cold conditions at first. Garage will be able to check the tension for you - had mine adjusted an is now fine But it was when cold which does happen with new belts sometimes. When the bonnet is up and the engine is running, are you able to hear where it is coming from. Could it be one of the rollers? I know on cambelts they recommend changing the rollers and tensioners sometimes not sure about zeds and the aux belts. But it may point towards a cause.
  21. Think he was nickin' stuff.. BTW Ive put up a new post.... maybe it will get in to the guides viewtopic.php?f=9&t=38748
  22. Started off writing this as a p take ... but its was actually really effective so thought id stick it in here! (move it if the mods dont agree) Thoresby was a might bit windy today and Bladesgrant wanting to have his bonnet up was suffering from some "wind" problems.. Fear not ... for a boyscout was on hand to devise a solution. SO here is a quick guide to the soon to be trademarked grant-marky high wind bonnet stay. Tools required Madmarky Lighter (inc) String Old wristband or sticker. Take marky and apply to string with lighter (be aware that excess may be delt with later - see fig 2) Loop string between top bonnet catch :- Fig 1. and catch. n.b. attach to armature to create damping effect. n.b.2 note excess string securely tied to prevent fouling fan. Fig 2. Secure sticker as garnish.... Fig 3. Stand back and admire your diy handywork.... Fig 4.
  23. Great day. Thanks to all. I had to drive home on one eye due to rubbing suncream in to the other ... which was fun. Here are some photos! Full set can be found here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/49222119@N ... 472253680/ My fave of the day Our (almost) winner Gills Lineup Smile its a stagea Lineup 2 shiney how its done... get someone else to do it... Oh and the missus did race for life in 35 minutes! so big well done to her.
  24. What's the deal with paying? Just on the gate?
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