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Everything posted by gunmetalzgt

  1. I hate it when people mess you around on ebay! i bought a audio flex cable for my iphone because the old ones fooked!! i bought from someone with a good rep for selling iphone parts. i order a brand new one and pay for it and then get an email to say he make a mistake on the auction and the part is infact used. i could have a pound refund (8pounds original) and have it anyway. i said id take it as long as it'll definately work. when it arrives i take my phone apart and remove the culprit part and start putting in the 'new' one. then when im almost done i discover that the power switch on the 'new' one is fooked!! someone who deals in these parts regularly should have spotted this quite easily! now i've had to get another one definately new this time, and make the age old paypal claim! now i have no phone and have to wait for the part to arrive all over again sometimes i really hate fleabay
  2. i think thats a great plate for you!! subtle!!
  3. http://www.epicfail.com/2009/11/15/modern-warfare-2-fail/ Sorry, just had to post this...........
  4. errr...... have you forgot they have done away with the strut bar on the 370 But I like the idea and as the tonneau is on the cabin side it does not affect the light for the main boot area, as rtbiscuit mentioned cheers colin, not having a tonneau i didnt know if it would interfere plus you could easily move them to the front slightly.
  5. Thats looks amazing!!! Nissan will be following suit!! Patent? LOL
  6. local offices have stopped doing it on the spot now. a pain i know but i discovered this a month or so ago.
  7. Can't wait till sunday!! Sky plussing it!! plussing? is that a word??
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2006-Nissan-350Z-GT-2dr-3-5-Coupe-Red_W0QQitemZ310177722584QQcategoryZ18238QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4340.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BIEW%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D11%26ps%3D63 scratch that!!! id rather have this one
  9. No idea, Nismo wheels maybe? so he sold it for 11.5K without mentioning the fact that its a stolen recovered vehicle? so in reality its worth around 10.k? id have it for that regardless of the history!
  10. i get this smell too. i dont think its anything major. but my clutch does make a whine when im reversing up my drive(pretty steep). i try not to rev it too much and let the clutch out a bit quicker so it bites instaed of slipping.
  11. seen it before but still makes me laugh. my dog exactly like the sleepwalker!! i could fool my friends in thinking thats honey!!
  12. OMG!! they are quality!!! ME WANTS SOME!!
  13. I think richer sounds have the best value tvs in the market. give them a try. they also offer a 5 year extended gaurantee that cost 10percent of the value of the purchase, this is really good value as well. go for plasma in my opinion.
  14. I feel cheated by the title of this post
  15. if they didnt see a gtr coming they deserve a bump!!
  16. nice ride!!! make sure you come to the next meet!!
  17. if they do end up being 20quid a pair ill have them as well!
  18. to the forum!! Sweet ride!! loving the wheels
  19. DTD is great! scored 2nd and 600quid there a fortnight ago. we should organise a zed meet up there and play as well!
  20. Those are some expensive plates you have on you car!!
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