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Everything posted by gunmetalzgt

  1. These I do like ... me too but i think you could do it with some carbon vynyl and get it to look just as good, sit totally flush and cost pennies definitely not worth £35
  2. If it has power but doesn't work properly then one of the power supplies isnt right. probably the ignition live isnt on. have you got a tester to check it out?
  3. it probably wont be removed without further damage. it'll just be dragged off most likely.
  4. True, makes a change from the usual big ball small ball jobbie!
  5. I think thats real too!! I've seen a car balance just like that on a rock, my mate was young and stupid, presses the wrong peddle and low and behold a balancing act on a rock!!! suprisingly little damage to the car as well!! great photoshop job if it is a fake though!!
  6. Nothing major. Just little things really. You?
  7. I worked that out as soon as CS told me your username before the dry dock meet we need to have a leicester meet again soon to catch up!!
  8. Shire can you pm me once your selling yours? Narcotix. That's one I was looking at. But seemed expensive. That's why i asked the Q.
  9. The apron is a bit the just covers the standard bumper in the middle. not really a lip, but thanks for your reply i think shire has the apron on his Zed
  10. I like the 25mm on the back. but the only reason i did it was that the came up cheap just when my 20mm was ruined. 20mm all round look great too!!
  11. sure no problem, this is exactly why i only have one. the garage melted one trying to remove a rounded nut.
  12. There are a few od us Zed owners in leicester, which is quite close to pterborough. Once the snows gone you should arrange to come down and see us!!
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