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Everything posted by gunmetalzgt

  1. You're not wrong there!!! Absolutely crazy!! Im suprised they didn't crash!!
  2. Well said. very good way at looking at it. I would name and shame though.
  3. Sorry to hear this Hope you get everything sorted ok.
  4. 1) 385 bhp dcash5 2) 357 bhp Husky 3) 375 bhp sparky350z 4) 387 bhp gunmetalzgt
  5. I'd also like to know where you are with the garage and solictors? Amazing car. Definately my fav Zed on here!!
  6. I've played with the esp deliberately to see what trouble it gets you out of. I think i truly is a great system!! Glad you're ok
  7. Looking forward to the dreamcustomz bit very car!! GLWTS
  8. Nice car. I do agrre that they should have made a few more changes to the anniversary though.
  9. Im running 20/25. i love it!! Nice Mod
  10. Thanks for all the advise guys. I didn't get it from ebay. I got the clutch from CS who is a respected trader on here. He will most probably get me a flywheel to match. If not then theres the exedy on ebay. im sure matching an exedy clutch to an exedy flywheel cant be too bad. I asked the seller the question and he said they fit no probs. I apreciate all the help. and Rich: thanks for watching out for me. Alex: No hard feelings. I know you gotta do what you gotta do in business.
  11. If you could hang for a lightened one I would wait, as you still get a slight amount of chatter from the LUK as you do from a Fidanza. But at least you know the fidanza is benefiting the car performance wise were as the LUK is just pretty much a standard replacement. here's an exedy lightened one on ebay for £300 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Exedy-lightened-f ... 19b8ce279c Thanks for that. I really appreciate you help with this. I'm watching that one anyway. Not sure if it will work with the exedy clutch? I heard that their flywheel only works with the stage 1 or 2 clutches??
  12. shame as i think your shooting yourself in the foot with this, Alex is one of the best supplies for parts you need in an emergency and supplies kits for other things that no one else does. and gets lots of OEM parts at some of the best prices. not only that his customer services are great. he happily chats through any issues and will help you with the best solution, even if its not from him. not only that with emergency parts his delivery is extremely quick, qnd he has got several people out of a tight spot. at the end of the day, you'll still get a fly wheel, the only one who loses out is alex as he won't get your money. So you have to get it from another supplier, is that really such a big deal that you'll never buy again from him. i think it will be your loss at the end of the day but its your choice to make Thanks for that Rich. I know what you're saying. At the end of the day Alex is running a business and if he chooses not to sell the flywheel seperately thats his choice, i guess im just a little teed off at the whole thing because i've been thinking about what to do for a while and when i finally decided to go for the Fidanza, Alex won't sell it to me. But i'm sure you can see where im coming from? I doesn't say on the for sale post that you have to buy both.
  13. Thanks mate. I can get the LUK for £280. just wanted to see if i could get a lightened one for around the same price. As i said, im just looking at options. Im not stuck or anything.
  14. Okay mate, let's clear this up once and for all. That is not what I said and you know it. What I said is that I was only prepared to sell the Exedy Clutch Kit and the Fidanza Flywheel as a set. Absolutely nothing unscrupulous about that. Alex. That's the same thing as far as im concerned. You directed me to your for sale post when i asked about my clutch slipping on another post. It didn't state on there that they were only being sold as a set. In fact you even gave someone the price plus shipping on that post for just the flywheel. See below :- Jerry, as Chris has said. Brand new genuine LUC OEM flys also available for next day delivery for those who want to stick with the OEM Dual Mass Flywheels. Priced at only £295.00 + shipping. Alex. Thanks anyway but i wont be buying anything more from you.
  15. Ok mate, will keep you updated. thanks for the suggestions so far. i might end up paying a little more but im happy with that. You're definately right about the future customer thing though.
  16. CS is trying to source a flywheel for me at the moment. I was just looking at options. Obviously the one from alex is out.
  17. Hi there, I have obtained a exedy clutch from CS. Top man! sorted me out with a fantastic price!! Now i need to get hold of a flywheel from somewhere. Before someone says see ZMANALEX, he was the first person that i Pm'd for the Fidanza. However he said he won't sell me the flywheel because i didn't get the clutch from him. Very unscrupulous in my opinion. Anyhow, that leaves me with a hunt on my hands, any help from a fellow forum member would be greatly appreciated.
  18. Its the same weight as the fidanza. 14lbs. 6kgs.
  19. wanted it to stay on top never does for long though. thanks for the bump
  20. do they have a wet section so you dont fook your tyres when playing?
  21. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350-Z-XTD-XTD-PROLITE-6KG-RACING-FLYWHEEL_W0QQitemZ160341384624QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item2555175db0 the Exedy clutch kit??
  22. im afraid not. its just a simple cd player!!
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