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350 giZ

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Posts posted by 350 giZ

  1. Very nice!

    BBS CH's for the win! Easily the best wheels for them, they were half the reason I was going to go from a standard GTi to the Edition 30 model!

    Looking good on the coilovers, too!

  2. Good thread!!

    Its got me reminiscing on Edition 38 this year! Which was definitely one of the highlights of my year, after buying my Z, of course! Although, I have to admit I quickly started to miss :byebye: (but not so much regret :bang: ) my old Mk5 GTi!!

    I started filling my head with all sorts of ideas about what I could've done with it had I kept it a little longer...


    But then I just thought about the sex noise that 3.5 V6 made. c===3 :D

  3. Oh, and while on 5th Avenue you will no doubtedly be sucked into paying for tickets w/ 'free' drinks coupons to The Comedy Club.

    If you do, as I did, (and I was a little apprehensive to begin with), but don't be too put off, it actually turned out to be a really good night for me (and the ex), very funny stand-up comics.

    If you don't come across people trying to sell you these tickets and you did maybe want to go, there are plenty of comedy clubs around.

  4. I went in April last year with my mate, and then in Dec with my ex missus ( :scare: ) :lol:


    So, with a little experience I particularly enjoyed the following:


    Central Park is a must!! Especially this time of year as the ice rink will be open, you can laugh at one another face planting your way around :lol::lol: (hopefully not, btw)!!! There is also a zoo in Central Park, which is pretty good.


    East Village is a nice, cultural part of Manhatten, good shopping round there, too, in my opinion, anyway.


    Plenty of good shops and restaurants on 5th Avenue between 34th and 59th Street.


    Also, I would say to go up The Empire State Building at night. To see the overview of NYC lit up at night is nuts!


    Hope this is a little help to you.


    Have a very good trip!! :wave::teeth:

  5. Love the sig! Us girls all recognise the overnight bag - i try to squash a bottle of rose into mine as well! :lol:



    God ob I never mentioned furr covered cuffs!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



    Ummm.....I've forgotten what I was going to write...


    21 Year old, Male

    No kids






    Welcome to the forum.

  6. Get the Zeds nice and clean please :dance:


    Company policy says to give AT LEAST 2 WEEKS notice for taking holidays...

    Called the boss man YESTERDAY, so I have booked off tomorrow especially to get it clean! :lol:



    :byebye: gutted id love to drive down to this but it the Wifes birthday and i imagine it would be divorce if i drove down.


    Is it not worth the risk then? :bangin:

  7. SO the question is this - go to tescos and stock up on sweets or turn off all the lights, keep the sweets for myself, ignore the door and chill out on the sofa? :)


    And the answer is - You get your house egged.


    If not, then, yeah, do as Tarmac says and go to a party someplace else. As I am doing, and taking my car there with me. At least my mates' house isn't on the outskirts of an estate full of hoodrats!

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