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Everything posted by Harman350z

  1. Jeeees Now i have been to Melbourne and their train stations and service is amazing, how on earth did that roll forward??!! Lucky lucky baby.
  2. Or as my JDM has.. 'Snow Mode' Pulls off in 3rd hehe
  3. I'll say a prayer..! 'Cover my arse time' - not because its a female driver but because new to the car in the wet weather with convicts < not a good combination.
  4. I might get started on a new picture tonight too.
  5. Black / Orange, i love this combination, i am thinging of doing my engine bay with this theme.
  6. I dont think so but then again i have not fully seen the underside, the guy who had it before had it installed but i have the original still. it sounds great maybe a bit too loud at times, even at small revs it sounds like a lion growl.
  7. I have the Scorpion, and will be a Ace Cafe. We can have a Sound-off
  8. Yes, absolutely, get a backdrop first so you know what angle to take a picture of the car. Lighting can be done by yourself in photoshop, just need to avoid wrong reflections in the car. Cant be having a backdrop of Tokyo with a reflection of inside your garage
  9. LOL.. Well you know there is a good way around that.. Shopping a photo into a backdrop of a major world city
  10. I love photoshopping..! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3164339&l=28928c1066&id=510223242
  11. I have had the same, 16-in-1 a couple of days ago, and then one a time since. >.< takes ages to shut down and boot.
  12. For all you fans who loved the last event(s) here are the next years ones. Are these going to be put on the 350z calender thats going to be made up?
  13. I actually quite like this whole 'C-West' kit.. Maybe something for me to do in the future
  14. As i was driving through bungay i saw this car parked opposite barclays bank, so tore some paper up and wrote the details down (as you do).. Not sure if i recognise the car from the forum so worth a try.
  15. +1 I added my father as a named driver, knocked £400 off my premium (i dont let him drive it )
  16. I am thinking about getting one of these Just not too sure if it will affect fuel consumption much?
  17. I am 21, 2 years NCB, 0 points, 52 plate, import, £1100 = Admiral (Admiral is quite popular on here i believe) Admiral & Bell are sister companies so try getting a quote with bell, then call admiral & they will better it.
  18. What a brilliant day! (cold.. but theres nothing a gallon of tea can't solve) I would like to thank the organisers H5 and Chesterfield, and all other involved. And to all who attended, thanks for the warm welcome, this was my first ever club meet When is the next???? It was great to meet you all.
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