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Everything posted by Gball1973

  1. Knew i'd find somewhere to put this (and probably a repost )Not quite a revival, more a new viewpoint. Lokks stunning http://www.newstechnologyautomotive.com/the-jaguar-e-type-concept-build-from-the-jaguar-xkr
  2. What about this? Or and i know it's not a car, but....
  3. First - 07 Plate Azure Roadster, Dock Street about 10.45. Second - 06 Plate Gun Metel Coupe, Wickes/McDonalds car park (carded)
  4. Al, i think you've maybe misunderstood what i have suggested. What i suggest is this: When a new member registers - upon clicking the final button for registration, the site automatically re-directs to a welcome/hints and tips page. Maybe something along the lines of "Welcome to http://www.350z-uk.com the UKs premier owner/enthusiasts site. Before you begin joining in the fun here's a few tips to help you on your way; 1. We have a lot of members that have extensive knowledge covering everthing from Strange noises, where to service, tyre choice to upgrading to over 600bhp. If you require information of this kind, please use the search function before posting a new thread (Search function at the top right corner of the page). You're Question may have already been answered 2 ........ 3 ........
  5. Dan, i agree 100% this is still quite tame compared to other forums and still a very friendly place with a good bit of banter. I'm NOT encouraging laziness either. However i'm also aware that there will be members (new and old) who may not be 100% sure of how it all works, may be a computer newbie, reading difficulties...... If, a new member joined but was dislexic, there currently seems to be a trend to give a "ribbing" for spelling and grammar errors, said new member might take that personally and just not bother coming back. For example I have an old friend (43 year old) who still can't tell the time using "analogue", but now works for the Canadian Government as an IT programmer. He still gets embarrassed when people ask him about it, but it's some form of dislexia. Edited to correct spelling
  6. I think what would be useful, would be an automated (inbox PM) welcome message to new users- where the search button is, the fact there are hundreds of threads relating to tyre choice, why not to use 95ron, etc.... If something like this were introduced, maybe, new members will think about what and where they are posting and avoid the flaming some have been receiving from more experienced members over the last couple of weeks. I know how frustrating it is when you are answering the qame question for the umpteenth time in a day (I work in retail so all i hear is "where will i get a trolley?" OUTSIDE , "How much is this?" READ THE F!£&ing ticket ), but it seems there has been a lack of tolerence and a fair bit of hostility towards newbies recently on the forum. Not what i would call a great advert for a family friendly forum.
  7. Hr usually has more power OEM spec than DE, it's also in the higher RFL tax bracket . Depends on what mods you want to do though? If you're looking for BIG power upgrades go for the DE there is a lot more choice, that i have seen, around for Turbo and supercharger upgrades
  8. Unfortunately, not many of the main Nissan dealers know a lot about Zeds. A few other members have had the same symptoms and usually points to a known synchro issue, although the 'box usually is tight when cold anyway. As Colin Said add some Molyslip, it should help. Get a post up herehttp://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=3 and
  9. Unfortunately, not many of the main Nissan dealers know a lot about Zeds. A few other members have had the same symptoms and usually points to a known synchro issue, although the 'box usually is tight when cold anyway. As Colin Said add some Molyslip, it should help. Get a post up herehttp://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=3 and
  10. Most of the stuff by these guys is fairly mellow but i seem to find this track gives you a heavy right foot
  11. Most of the stuff by these guys is fairly mellow but i seem to find this track gives you a heavy right foot
  12. Azure JDM on a 52 plate about quarter to 3 today
  13. Almost the point i was trying to make All employees are responsible! Due to the potential (any)dangers of working on a train, the ticket inspectors will have have more than average training on this subject. He clearly either forgot or completely ignored it.
  14. Gball: Sounds like you work in a shop? Rich, 100% agree with the above point, but only that. Chris, Yes i'm a Manager at the Dundee branch of Wickes. Have worked there for about six years, electrical retail before that and in the Hospitality trade before that, so have a good knowledge of customer service. Unfortunately the Ticket Inspector looks like he has forgotten the training his employer gave him as, i'm pretty sure (especially with any kind of transport company), health and safety goes hand in hand with customer service. He disregarded the safety of both the young person and the big-man : what if the big-man just started to give young person a kicking before throwing him off? What if young person (as happened to another ticket inspector just a few days after) stabbed the big-man? As you both know, UK Heath and Safety in the workplace laws firmly put the employee as responsible for the safety of himself, colleagues and customers (passengers in this case). As a result of the inspector not doing his duty as trained to, and allowing a customer to throw another customer off he has, IMHO, been negligent in his duty. Most people seem to be focused on the young persons behaviour- YES, he was out of line speaking to anyone like that, but just like this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY27OM_-7oE (this person claims to be a student of the law), what happened before the start of the clip everyone has seen? Why would a student from one of Scotland's top universities start speaking like that? Maybe he was perfectly polite and well mannered? Maybe the inspector decided to be a to$$er towards him because he was wearing a hoodie? Who knows What i do know is this 1 the footage shown, indicates that the young person was verbally out of line. 2 the ticket inspector allows a customer the manhandle and assault a fellow customer 3 the ticket inspector fails to follow his employers policies and UK H&S by allowing the above to happen instead of calling ahead to the next station for assistance. I'm most definately not the world's best at staying PC, but, unfortunately, these are the times we live in and that is what i see. Anyway , have a good crimbo folks
  15. Probably. What i'm getting at, though, is that the resulting actions would be similarly unneccessary and unwarranted. Also, forgot to say in my last post, the big-man throwing that kid off the train would be like me asking one of my regular customers to eject a shoplifter from my place of work. If that was to happen, i'm pretty sure that after being suspended for breaking with company rules and policies i'd be handed my p45 and looking for a new job. I've never worked for any of the railway companies, but i'm sure they will have rules/policies/guidelines for dealing with situations of this and similar natures, as most workplaces do. The ticket inspector/conductor has clearly broken these rules by allowing a fellow passenger (with no authority from either the railway company, the local or British Transport Police forces) to physically force someone out of their seat and off the train to their injury. The big-man caused, by way of pushing the young person off the train, bodily harm. That is assault. No if's, no but's. If the ticket inspector had actually followed his company's policies, maybe the young person would have got his correct ticket for the inspector and/or the big-man would not be up for assault
  16. 57 plate gunmetal GT - Grosvenor car park
  17. IMO whether or not the student was being cheeky/abusive/sarcastic towards the conductor, the "big-man" had no legal right to do what he did. Yes it is frustrating when you're on any kind of public transport that has been delayed due to this sort of scenario. I know the route this particular train was taking, i've used it many times, and have witnessed this sort of behaviour and worse before and every time the conductor has had time and opportunity to follow what must be the official policy. End result - BTP standing on the platform of the next station. I'm not condoning the young persons behaviour but i believe that, if that had been someone who was physically more mature, i highly doubt the conductor or big-man would have acted the way they did. ALL THREE PARTIES WERE IN THE WRONG - young person morally, conductor both by training and by allowing/agreeing for a passenger to throw him off (Is it the railway company's policy for a conductor/ticket inspector to allow a passenger to throw a fellow passenger off? Breach of UK Health & Safety laws?), and finally the big-man for actually making an un-lawful assualt on a fellow passenger. Maybe i should throw off the next "suit" i see on the train taking up a whole table/bay with their bags and laptop. After all, they're just as annoying. Maybe i'll be hailed as a hero for that as well.
  18. I was in a Silver 04 Astra, i'd just came off the bridge, heading home after work.
  19. Tay Street, Newport about 7.30pm. was behind you in the shed & gave a flash
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