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Posts posted by Gball1973

  1. Just to add to the list of which I mostyl agree with:


    1. Gritters (when in front of me) :blush:Stop Tailgating

    2. speed cameras if the catch me being naughty :lol:Slow down

    3. police if they catch me being naughty :lol:As above

    4. potholes Complain to the council

    5. people that can see a lane is closed well in advance but shoot up the outside even though the traffic is already well backed up Muppets

    6. zed drivers who drive practically the same car as me but pay half the amount in tax :lol::lol:


  2. Hmm, pretty much all of the above, plus people during rush hour "parking" on roundabouts/yellow box grids blocking everyones exit even when it's obvious they can't get off said area, people who park right opposite a tee junction - we have one of these in the village,and, when you're coming out of the bottom has 8 ft stone walls resticting your view left (with wheelie bins) and right and some Numpty parks RIGHT OPPOSITE. And the one which really makes me pull my hair out is people who park on the exit of the blind bend of our high street - so they are closer to the chipshop door even when all legal parking spaces are empty :rant::rant::rant::rant:

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