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Everything posted by Cookbot

  1. Got confirmation of the next shipment of parts, but it seems I've used up their stock of relays and they've only sent me 3!!! I imagine I'll have them by the end of this week and I'll have some more made by Monday. Cookie
  2. As above, gear knob and gator in mint if possible. Zman only has a knob, no gator!
  3. Thanks people. Guide tis re done with wiring that will match your car now.
  4. Plenum spacer and a remap at either Abbey or RS i where it's at. The only reason mines not been remapped yet, is because I'm supercharging it first. Cookie
  5. Lol, the bike is in more bits than you saw it last time, there's no wheels on it now! Looking at having the frame alignment checked. I would like a proper workshop for car fettling though.
  6. Well I'd like a move to virgin or BA, but I'm not holding my breath. There's also chance of work with Cathay Pacific, but that means living in Hong Kong for a few years! Not a fan of that! Got 18 months pay to try and sort my life anyway.
  7. Yep, like that guy does in that vid, but I'll Be using the little phone button as it makes no sound usually and only answers the phone. The wiring used in headphones is mega flimsy though so would prefere some beefyer wire. I'm going to make one for my car anyway and see what happens.
  8. I'm looking into making a little thing that allows you controll your iPod from the wheel controlls. It would only work on newer iPods and iPhones as it needs to be compatible with the earphones that have that little clicker on them. I'll use the button that has a small phone on it, so when you answer it pauses your music, then when you end the call with the same button it plays it. Skipping to next and previous track is done by the amount of clicks you do. 2 presses go forward, 3 back, 1 and then hold fast forward current track and 2 and hold rewind. Is there any interest in such a system although you'd need to have either the Bose hack (I can do these if you're worried about cocking it up) or an aftermarket head unit with external in. One of those crappy tapes might work too. Cookie
  9. Done, thanks. To all those who are waiting, my apologies if I'm a little late at replying emails etc. I have just found out I've been made redundant and have quite a bit to sort over the next few days On the plus side I've ordered enough parts to do another 10 units today and there's 10 on the side here. Counting down the list should give you an idea of how long it'll take. Thanks all, Cookie
  10. Haha, I'm not too bad at electronics, but I'm a bit computer special!
  11. I've made another 4 today and have a total of 10 on the side here, but they use slightly different switches to the first batch, so want to fit one my self to see if it works well. I'm doing this Saturday so will contact you in list order later that night if all goes well. Cookie
  12. Theres a link on the first post, but those maplin parts come to about £27. Certain parts come in bags of 25 though!
  13. I'll soon change that! Welcome
  14. Those 2 wires you cut in 15) become the 4 that you connect to my unit. I only show them connected back together to show you what it looks like if you put it back to standard. The 2 grey wires and the 2 purple ones connect to the purple, grey, yellow and green wires on my unit, but more pics will follow. I'm looking at re doing the photos to this guide, but won't be able to do it until the weekend when I'm installing on a pre 06 car. Time wise I'd give your self about 2 hours, although I usually do them in about 30 mins now.
  15. Right then, I lied like cheap watch when I said I'll have 15 done this weekend! I've managed 5, but got most of the soldering done on the remaining 10 so will have them done by Wed night at the latest. I can confirm that fitting is easier on the pre 06 cars too as the wire colours match the wires on my unit. Cookie
  16. I have no problems fitting them and can even do it at a meet if the weather was better than today's! Cookie
  17. I've got the parts and I'll have another 15 done by tomorrow night. 7 have gone already. Cookbot.
  18. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=46480 It's at the start of here.
  19. Yea, soon as they're made, I'll email you. This is until I get near the bottom of the list, then I might need payment first, to ensure they're actually needed. Craig, they're not too bad to fit. I'm going to revamp the guide I've started with more pictures. I comes down to splicing 3 wires, cutting 2 to make 4 ends, then connecting those ends up.
  20. Well I can't take all the credit as it wasn't me that did the circuit diagram, I only put it on to a little strip board and used better components. The actual circuit isn't very difficult at all and I could have made something very similar, the main pain in the ass is figuring out what wire does what on the loom and is a case of digging around with a multimeter for a while!
  21. It's up to date, but I will be receiving enough parts to make 15 this weekend. Should be able to send them Monday if I get enough time to build them all. (They take about an hour each, but I do it like a production line)
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