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Everything posted by Tonser

  1. Yep, you're right Mike 3 sets of 'alloy' and 1 set of full chrome available. Cheers Tony
  2. 1 set of 'alloy' finish sold to Smudga 4 sets of 'alloy' finish, and 1 set of full chrome finish still available. Tony
  3. You set pending to Smudga (sent you a PM). Tony
  4. Hi Jim They're all 58mm diameter. Cheers Tony
  5. Hi all Having ordered the wrong set of 'Z' centre caps from Courtesy in the states, I placed a second order so I could get the correct set, and brought in a couple of spare sets too, so they are for sale at £55 per set of 4 including postage to mainland UK (pretty much what they've cost me once you add shipping, import VAT and the brokerage surcharges) : 1 x set(4) full chrome 'z' centre caps, 2003 > 2005 Track Model Only. 58mm diameter (ie Rays) same as these...http://www.courtesyparts.com/logo-chrome-center-caps-for-2003-2005-350z-track-model-only-larger-size-p-19539.html?cPath=714& NB the main disc AND the 'Z' are chrome 4 x set(4) 'z' centre caps, in "alloy" finish with chrome "z". 2003 > 2005 Track Model Only. 58mm diameter (ie Rays) same as these...http://www.courtesyparts.com/logo-center-caps-for-2003-2005-350z-track-model-p-19545.html Paypal payment preferred, reply here, or PM me if you want a set, thanks Cheers Tony
  6. Sorted thanks, £5.01 from the dealer Tony
  7. Thanks Stew, I'll give them a shout. Tony
  8. Hi My 54 zed is missing the front grill section that covers the tow hitch socket - has anyone got on e to sell ? Thanks Tony
  9. Got the chance for a quick clean up today, so took a couple of pics. Tony
  10. Hi Scott I'd like a pair please (also added my name to the surrounds thread ) 1. Scott 2. Clarkie34 3. 3FiddyZ 4. Shire350z 5. TADDY 6. Muddy 7. Bladesgrant 8. Lincolnbaggie 9. Tonser
  11. Thanks guys The issues with the car are now all sorted, so its on to more pleasant purchases now Tony
  12. All sorted It was as I first thought, the disc backing plate was right up against the inside lip on the back of the disc, with only a marginal clearance. The cornering force must have been pushing them together. So it was simple as levering it away from the disc a tad Thanks you your help. Tony
  13. Just had it up on the jacks again to check the front wheel bearings, and there is no play in the front wheels at all Any ideas ? Thanks Tony
  14. Nope But realised that I should have done ! I'll jack it up tomorrow and check for any play on the wheel. I wouldnt have thought it was bearings as there is no vibration at all, just the scraping noise when turning right. That said would a dodgy bearing cause the disc to be unstable under different loads (ie turning right) ? I'll report back tomorrow Cheers Tony
  15. Well I had the front wheels off today to try to work out what's going on. I couldn't see any obvious signs of something catching, but there was quite a build up of flaky rust around the back edge of the discs. I scraped them both down to clean them up, and checked the pads, which have about 6mm left on them each. There were no signs of uneven wear. One thing I noticed was that the drivers side disc fell away from the hub as soon as I had the wheel off whereas the pass side wouldnt come off the hub - are they only held on by the wheel nuts ? When i put it all back together the drivers side disc still had a slight scraping noise when i just spun it, but only at one point through the rotation. I took it for a spin and the problem is still there. It's worse if you push hard into a right hand corner, and it's fine on left hand corner. It seems the more you load the front drivers side through a right handed the more it rubs. Anyone any suggestions? Thanks, tony
  16. Thanks all Had a good run out in the car last night, and brought back some fine memories. Discovered alot of cracks on the inside of the a/c belt this morning so I'm going to replace both belts this afternoon for peace of mind. Valeting tomorrow now Tony
  17. Thanks Zmanalex - I was wondering that. Though it only happens when you get towards full lock, and it doesnt grind through a full wheel rotation - more like something is catching at one or 2 points through the 360 degrees. I'm hoping to get a chance to look at it this afternoon. Cheers Tony
  18. Hi I took delivery of my 54 GT yesterday, and all is good However one thing I have noticed is a grinding noise when going round a tight corner slowly on full (or near full) lock, coming from the front drivers side. Sounds very much like the disc backing plate is catching on the disc at full lock - could that be possible ? Cheers for any advice Tony
  19. Hi Paul. Can I take the last CF strut cover instead of the kuro one I pm'd you about ? Thanks Tony
  20. Hi I took delivery of my 350z today, having been without one since March 2006. That was a Gun Metal 54 plate GT, which I'd owned since new. I've owned a couple of nice cars since, but always regretted selling it so am pleased to have taken delivery today of a 54 Kuro GT Its got the black interior and Rays, and is factory stock. Initial plans include JWT pop charger, 20mm spacers, lowered springs, 'Z' badges all round, along with 'Z' centre caps, stubby aerial, Nismo gearknob and a spills grounding kit. I may go for some carbon covers in the engine bay too When it was delivered it had the flashing airbag light, but I've just performed the reset on this and its cured the problem. The only other issue I have (so far) is a grinding noise when going round a tight corner slowly on full lock, coming from the front drivers side. Sounds very much like the disc backing plate is catching on the disc at full lock - could that be possible ? I look forward to contributing to the forum, and picking all your brains. I'm giving it a full detail tomorrow so will post pics up after that. Cheers Tony
  21. Hi Is the tonneau cover still for sale ? Tony
  22. First car when I was 16 was: 1969 VW Beetle then I had: 1972 VW Beetle 1965 Mk1 Cortina GT 1982 Toyota Hilux (with 3.9L Rover V8 ) 1984 Metro GTi 1987 Ford Orion (RS Turbo Conversion) 1967 VW Squareback 1995 Saab 900 Turbo 2002 Saab 93 Diesel 2004 350z GT 2006 Porsche Cayman S Now I've got: 1958 Beetle Kabriolett 2006 Range Rover Sport 2004 350z GT (arriving on Thursday, so I'll be doing an intro post with pics then ) Tony
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