in fairness they are all independants and work under a franchise agreement. You get bad eggs everywhere. The one I have used in the past never let me down.
for those who use this, it usually retails around £24.99. Hang fire before buying ya next one from your local outlet.
Poundstretcher or instore (same company) will be doing them for £5.99 in the very very near future
restaurant is called grinch ... l&ct=image
the pub is called sams chop house ... l&ct=image
if you can find the big boots on cross street, it's just down the road
this has been raised in the past. Seem to remember someone finding a indepent company who did warranty for less money. May be owrtha search on here or on the net for other companies offering warranty cover.
found this also. $92 dollars plus shipping ... cts_id=507 ... cts_id=506