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Everything posted by M13KYF

  1. M13KYF

    LED sidelights

    Having read a few posts on here about them there seems to be mixed views. Some seem to not work regularly and shelf life isn't. I having new pads fitted next week so was considering putting in some led sidelights while the wheels were off. Anyone recommend them and also a good place to get them. Its seems the cheaps ones are advisable to keep clear off.
  2. That's why it's funny. yes you did Actually, Sarnie said 'I'd be rich without this place' Mike 15 luv to Sarnie I think.. To be fair, hardly anyone saw what i originally typed as Mike changed it sorry sarnie I couldn't resist
  3. EPRacing in Loughborough, also a trader on here
  4. M13KYF


    I think that 100 post is perhaps too hig but something like 75 would be better or maybe 50. Remember spamming woon;t be allowed so to reach a 100 good posts is quite an effort. Something you sarnie would find very difficult but the points you raised are good ones
  5. there has been some debate about whether it was good for the forum and at the time it was considered to let these go by. This is now in discussion
  6. quote on a yamaha tdm 900 pulling willies and changing gears unquote. If you were pulling willies no wonder you fell off. Since it said willies I assume your and one other!! You need at least ONE hand on the handlebars mate. THATS why you fell off!! Sorry its a hijack but couldn't resist it!! Ming the guilty back Ming. Long time no see, thought you'd been way for a stretch at her majersty's pleasure
  7. don't think you can play music through the bluetooth. There is now way to engage it unless you wish to dial a number.
  8. have you hear d the fans come on at all once the car is hot. He out of thecar and open the bonnet to see if they engage. I would also consider the thermostat.
  9. check the Guides section, Pretty easy to self adjust
  10. get launch control http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13797
  11. sorry to hear and see the ban news Dave Will you be getting Dave from Dentec to sort out the washing machine and the tumble dryer. At least Ryan will most likely learn from this. Like you said it was out of character. I prefer the Nismo V2 to the V1 just to through another spanner in the works.
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