hardly goes with your standing on replica's mark. Look at your avatar and look what you posted about the traders who sell replicas. Do you pity Envy!!
Surely that is just the same with those traders who sell replica kits and those that sell the original ones. So not really a valid point
Also if the chilli's had gone and got these made, would you still have the same opinion.
If we are still carrying on this conversation in this thread then yes I would have had the same opinion and I would have told them my opinion.
Different traders have different markets and cater for different tastes and pockets, but I am not about to drag this conversation down to who (IMO) is good or bad and who is right or wrong in what they do!
And yes it is the same as the traders that make and sell fakes. I am sure you and a lot of other people on these forums will agree the fit of some of the replikits is shocking and in the end, with fitting and hassle cost more. IMO it is a valid point, as its my opinion, I wouldnt buy the replica stuff off any trader...
I seem to be coming back to answer responses to my posts in this thread and defend my points, but it was suggested that another thread was opened to discus. I declined that option to draw a line, so perhaps if others want to discuss these points further and my opinon please feel free to open another thread to discuss!