lok at it this way. It could of been far more expensive if a Nissan garage did it. You would have had a new ECU & engine before they got close to diagnosis. Did you test drive the car when you bought it.
Well done Abbey I say
i would be naming and shaming the place that by the sounds of thing are talking out of there bum. Keep us updated and hopefully the new place will get it sorted. I would get a print out of the work they have carried out with the adjustments they need to do and take that back to the original garage that screwed it up
no your wrong again, it means NO OIL PRESSURE
OK pedant! but it amounts to the same thing, and in fact the light will come on at low pressure! try it!
your welcome to
the low oil light should have been illuminated for some time, so you need to check that.
there isn't a low oil pressure light. When the oil pressure light comes on it means there is no pressure, your pumping air.
its weird though how locking and unlocking the car can get the car to start. Sounds more intermittent electrical fault. Worth a check all the same though