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Everything posted by M13KYF

  1. havent you tried ZMANALEX?
  2. one for the calendar great pictures Matt
  3. Cheers Mike i have just spat tea all over my laptop
  4. moved have a dig around in this section and use the search button
  5. are the pipes actually different lengths or is the rear box mounted squarley
  6. didnt take many as it only a repetition
  7. I'll be around in a minute seriously, not good to have this happen. just no respect these days
  8. for all those who attended the Wales weekend. I like many other would like to thank them both for all there hard work in bringing this event together. A special note also goes to June (Cols Wife) and ChrisS for his help. They may be others from Saturday but sadly I wasn't there to note. Well done
  9. you lot are too woody quick. Please leave your good wishes here viewtopic.php?f=16&t=36783
  10. The team would like to congratulate Neil on becoming a Moderator. We are sure you'll be a great asset.
  11. interesting why he valued everything in dollars and not pounds
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... sides.html
  13. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry nurrish, I posted at the same time as you
  14. that counts Martin out ZMANALEX or Martinmac have roadsters with kit on.
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