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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. v88reg - although i may be mistaken
  2. I'm sure I saw you on M62 last week - or at least a reg very similar to yours!
  3. congratulations - when's it due?
  4. either buy a de-restrictor like HKS or just get a remap which will remove the restriction as well as making everything better at same time
  5. zmanalex is the go-to-guy for rear LED's I believe
  6. the price seems more in line with uk than import so can imagine why your a bit peeved on this!
  7. loving the numberplate!
  8. My dad got these from work but there's nothing he ever wants or needs and so would do better with the cash! He got £200 worth and obviously not wanting to give up that much so if anyone is getting anything in the January sales then I'll let you have them for £190? Help me out and save yourself a tenner - everyone's a winner Can be spent any of these shops - http://www.capitalbonds.co.uk/Shopping/Shopping.asp
  9. throw in a few pints and a nice meal and thats like my perfect day lol
  10. work here also I wish i was on my xbox, just got Assassins Creed from the gf. Also got all my car detailing clobber she bought me sat unused and my car is filthy - it's killing me!
  11. just been reading the website and it looks good, something I think I'd be interested in as well, if it works as well as it says it does of course!
  12. was behind me up to the Leeds turn off, personal reg, some bumper modification but couldn't tell in rear view if it was just the centre piece or aftermarket bumper.
  13. how did it compare to the JWT in terms of sound, quality, performance etc (i know not much performance is to be had on either though!)
  14. the ford 'sleigh' just looks like a feista parked on a snowboard! Nissan is the probably the most boring design somebody could come up with!
  15. Merry Christmas everyone! My Z is snowed in under lots of lovely snow today (again) - can't beat a white christmas though so was happy to leave her this morning while i work
  16. I've got blackra1n and that's fine for breaking it after software update it applied but by applying the software update it would unbreak my phone and remove all my settings/games/apps/layout etc. I'll take a look at aptbackup and give it a bash again tonight. incidently, is there anything new and exciting with 3.1.2? Guy at work has found a floating version of v4 in the depths of the web and is trying to sort that at moment apparently.
  17. my phone (3g) is currently jailbroken and has been for about 6 months or so. I want to upgrade to 3.1.2 but I assume that if i do that through itunes then it will revert back to unbroken state and i will loose all app's and settings etc that only work with jailbroken phone? Looking at dev team blog i know there is blackra1n for unlocking/jailbreaking once software is updating but is there any way to update the software and keep everything the same? I might not be making sense here!
  18. anybody knowledgeable about these things and can answer a couple of questions I have?
  19. looks good, but why does the 16Gb stick say 4Gb on the side of it?
  20. checked there website but couldn't find anything, I thought i saw a thread saying they were hoping to do them soon. Have you got a price or a link for them?
  21. I removed the boot weight and it did absolutely nothing, the weight is really not much at all - and it cost me about 4 broken clips to get at it!
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