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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. I think I just saw your car in Nissan. Never seen that colour in the flesh, looks very nice
  2. I'm back from Nissan. Long story short they have agreed to bill me for the price that I was quoted - so all in all I paid £161, result tbh! Amy showed me the catalogue of errors (all on her behalf) which lead to everyone thinking they were working to a different price. Good luck to the orange Zed I saw in there for repair/service/MOT!

    Road Tax

    it's is all cars, import or UK, that will be charged the higher figure if they were registered after march 2006. When in 2006 was your car registered? If it was after March 2006 then you just have to bite the bullet and pay as there is no way your going to get around it. did you not check all this before buying?
  4. just had a call from Nissan, the very bubbly Amy has told me my car is all fixed and ready for collection. Brilliant. I told her I would be down soon and asked her top confirm the final bill was: Amy - 'well there's lots of figures here so not sure, what do YOU think the price is?' Me - 'Well Amy, you told me the bill was exactly £261 and even gave me a break down of the costs of labour and parts etc, then Keith spoke to me yesterday and told me that I was having £100 knocked of the bill so I make it £161 -correct?' silence. Amy - 'Well..... actually I think I made a slight mistake in the calculation of labour and it is actually £424 AFTER the £100 has been knocked off your bill - sorry!' Me - 'Amy, I confirmed this price with you 3 times so there is no way your changing this so I will be down soon to collect my car and I will be paying the advised figure of £161' Amy - 'if I charge you that I could get in trouble for advising the wrong price though?' Me - 'I'm afraid your lack of numeracy skills is not my problem right now' Amy - 'Well if the invoice is not paid in full that we cannot release your car, I will see what I can do about claiming some more money off for the mix up with parts but that will mean that your car cannot be realeased until that happens and you pay in full' Me - 'and when do you think this will be?' Amy - not until the ned of the day at the very least' Me - 'on on my way down now Amy, make sure your manager is about please' Amy - hangs ups! All in all everything I have come to expect from this garage. I'm going down to Nissan in an hour but do I actaully have a leg to stand on seen as everything was confirmed verbally on the phone last night?

    Road Tax

    unlucky! if your car is registered after end of March 2006 its £405 but before end of March 2006 it's half that. Mine is import registered in UK the day before the cut off so I pay half price Plenty of threads about this on here if you fancy reading up more about it.
  6. your eyelids look like b-pillar covers?
  7. if it wasn't for needed there consult2 machine I wouldn't have gone near them
  8. I picked Supra, more just to be awkward than for any other reason though
  9. car has now been in Nissan since Tuesday! Got a call last night confirming that the sensor will need replacing and while the engine 'was in bits' they have cleaned out the other sensors that have been throwing up codes. The total bill was due top be £250, which I didn;t think was too bad, certainly less than I was expecting! The nice girl told me the sensor was on order for this morning and that I could collect my car at lunch today and she would keep me informed as to when it was definitely finished. Lunchtime came and went, no phone call, no-one available to answer my questions. not a good sign! I kept pestering them until Amy calls me at 2pm to let me know there was a problem with the sensor they ordered, the problem being that it was the wrong sensor! Of course this was not there fault but the suppliers fault. so it's not Nissan's fault for ordered the wrong part but actually Nissan's fault for delivering the wrong part - I feel much better about that fact! I called back to get a courtsey car, FOC of course, as the car was only ever meant to be in for a day. ASfter being passed from pillar to post so many times I actually began to feel dizzy I finally found someone to help. I was told that they do not have many cars left for hire, if any but he would see what he could do. He told me that if he calls me then there will be a hire car available to pick up this afternoon but he won;t call me if he cannot arrange a car. 'Why can you not call me to let me knoe either way??' I ask him and with much huffing and puffing he said he will let me know later. I compained that the service at this particular Nissan is shocking, never have any calls answered, very rude staff when actually going into Nissan (I was waiting at the service desk for 10 minutes 2 feet in front of a guy and he never looked up once to say 'ill be with you in 2 mintes etc then fecked off for a cup of tea>?!?!), and constantly being let down, also the fact that one person even argued with me about what my car was - I told him it was a Nissan Fairlady and which point he said that doesn't exist and that mine must be a UK model (?!?!?!). the chap i was talking to actually shocked me and said he would knock £100 of the cost of my repair - I shall wait and see if that actually happens when I go in tomorrow evening! rant over.
  10. is that the sound of your splitter being ripped off getting on the ferry?
  11. it's hard for insurers to drop pricesfor renewal without being able to say they are price matching another company that has undercut them, pretty much every company will drop if you search around though.
  12. Nissan have called to say they have diagnosed the cam sensor fault (without using the £100 a minute machine!) and now found 5 more error codes being thrown up. I asked for the codes and looked up what they all referred to; 2 x P1212 - ABS / TCS control unit 2 x P1612 NATS malfunction (I believe to be nissan aniti thesft system?) U1000 - CAN coomunication (just a problem with connected the consult machine?!) they have told me that it will be £200 to investgate these issues further - are these not all related or does this sound correct??
  13. can you give me a few more examples please Being serious I understand just how broad a question I'm asking, it's more me just putting my thoughts down tbh! I'm happy to go down the mechanic route to begin with and then branch off to wherever takes my Fancy I guess. I was thinking of taking a C&G intro to mechanical engineering course so I can decide which direction to go in.
  14. If I trusted it wouldn't kill me on motorway I might just have come down! Anyway, it's in Nissan now so should hear tomorrow afternoon exactly what is wrong, exactly what needs sorting and exactly how much I'm out of pocket!
  15. I'm getting bored of my job and thought I might go down the mechanical engineering route and see what that does for me. Has anyone else done this and have any advice for me in terms of which courses, degrees, training, routes to go down etc. I know this is very broad but I'm just getting it sorted in my head at the moment. I've always been interested in cars and everything that goes with it but never got too technical with them - I think it's about time that changed
  16. I'm always wary when the advert doesn't show a particular view of the car - in this case the whole front end!
  17. I've got an xbox and I've had the RROD 4 times now I think - always waiting for the dreaded day when it finally gives up the ghost. I feel your pain.
  18. Welcome to the forum! I think you should definitely go for it, it's only money after all.
  19. it looks awful, it's damaged, it' the wrong colour (most likely as it's described as universal Nissan silver) and it's overpriced. I'd go for it
  20. is this like speed detailer?
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