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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. I'll take the volks and front lip off your hands to help you out lol
  2. or :pmr35lee: they have both being selling these clusters at fantastic prices!
  3. Full service at Lockwood & Greenwood (I found them through here) Great choice - used them myself and they were faultless and went above and beyond. Mention the club when you book and you might even get a discount! Air filter for a bit more noise (JWT Popcharger?) also great choice for sound ECU chip for a bit more poke (research needed) either RS Tuning in north or Abbey in south will be able to tune the ECU (not a chip as such) - they are both traders on here and lots of info for you Getting mp3s to work without ripping out (is this possible?) standard player is crap, best to get rid Getting my iPhone to work with the car's steering wheel (I'm missing the top part of the unit behind the gearstick) you are missing bluetooth adaptor Welcome to the club!
  4. Blimey that was quick! Had already checked it when you posted I checked the code a few times - it always flashes with the sequence I gave above. There only seems to be one code stored. I'll check again later just to make sure I havent miscounted - but i'm pretty sure I didnt. I recorded mine on my iPhone exactly what i resorted to doing
  5. C-west would look awesome blended into bumper - something I've considered a lot in past!
  6. depends who you are insured with, some do like for like insurance so you get the same mods back if written off. some just bump up the total insurance price but you would get OEM back and not the aftermarket in event of a write off.
  7. Cheers guys, I've contacted them all and waiting on call backs now
  8. not sure if correct, but I thought if it was a solid light then okay to drive but good idea to pull the code asap to find out what was logged, bit if it is flashing then not to drive at all before checking code? I may well have dreamt that though!
  9. I have domed(sp) black lettering on a jap plate. Looks more crisp and no issues with MOT
  10. anything is possible, just call the fitter/sprayer and ask how much
  11. where on earth does an 11 old girl go that she needs more??
  12. esflow is ugly and crap, although i quite like the second one!
  13. beer + pratting around with compressed springs =
  14. Tein springs are cheaper but not as much drop - another option to consider
  15. these the kinda thing you used?? http://www.screwfix.com/prods/45986/Van ... ressor-Kit
  16. cheers husk! I dont drive the car at all through the week so can take my time. I like to give things a bash so will have a go then call the mechanic to fix my mistakes after I think!
  17. you seem to have made it look like a GTR?!
  18. looking awesome - love the wheels and the drop makes them look even better! few questions for you. 1. where did you get the Teins and how much did you pay? I keep seeing a lot of variation around as I amplanning the same! b. how easy did you find the installation and what tools did you require? III. could (or should) a mechanical retard such as myself attempt to fit springs themselves?
  19. is it wrong that I think a nice pink would look quite good?
  20. just looking at who can do the work at the moment before I buy anything!
  21. why does the car change from an import to a uk model in the pictures - are you trying to drive me insane?!?!
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