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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. i give it another snow foam covering after claying - find it nicer to apply more products to after that
  2. I think it will be great if it clears the boot ok, i hate the block!
  3. I can't believe your friends said all blacks look the same!
  4. That is pretty unlucky Headphones! I had my car booked at Alba Tyres (crap) yesterday lunchtime and as I was half way there from work they called to say the tyre they ordered was wrong. They had ordered the front tyre size instead of the rear tyre size, that's after I made sure with the guy ordering it in front of me had ordered the correct size as his little work experience monkey who gave him the tyre size was clearly looking at the front wheel!! Anyway I went back to work (having pretty much missed my lunch) and waiting for the call saying the correct size had arrived. As I finished work and was on way home I finally got the call to say they had it so I drove over. I got there at 4.15pm and handed the keys over, at 5.20pm they finally had it finished - over an hour to fit a bloody tyre?! Anyway it's all sorted now until the next time I drive through a carpark with half of B&Q spread accross the floor!
  5. mmm now I'm swaying over to carbon again - I hate decisions!!
  6. are people suggesting that a carbon lip will be easier and cheaper to repair should it get stone chipped or damaged? I would have thought the opposite would be true?
  7. does the spoiler still clear the sidees of the car without the added height of the base square?
  8. would the carbon lip not get stone chipped though?
  9. I think I'm swaying more towards gloss black at the moment.......
  10. so does mine - makes it easier to justify modding costs to her when she at least kinda likes what I'm doing as well!
  11. because otherwise some unscrupulous people try sell things they do not own, or just put pictures up of things that other people are selling. Quick way to make a lot of cash without any effort!
  12. ok guys it's opinion time. I think I've decided on going for the V2 style front end but I'm unsure as to the colour of the lip. I know a lot of people go nuts for the carbon but I'm not a huge fan of too much of it myself (sorry). Although when I've seen pics of the colour coded lip against pics with carbon lip I think it breaks up the colour nicer and makes the front look more aggressive. So what's every else think? should I go for the carbon or if I still want a different colour should I try gloss or matt black painted? I've done a quick edit of a pic to show difference....
  13. although I only just added myself to this I am going to now have to remove myself...I've finally settled on the direction I want to go with my zed and this wont fit any more. sorry to cause any inconvenience!
  14. anyone know how much the pre 07 bonnets and post 07 bonnets are fetching second hand?
  15. you have everything exactly how i want mine - even the wheels! Looks really really good mate!
  16. had to try cheer myself up somehow! I couldn't listen to the other half say 'well you will buy this silly cars...' one more time! lol
  17. it does always seem to be right at the edge of the tyre instead of anywhere repairable!
  18. these things happen, although it seems something happens every month at the moment..this is money that could spent on much more shiny and prettier things for my zed! lol ay well, just means I make sure that I enjoy every moment of driving that I get
  19. your all wrong. They cost around £140, that's when they're sticking out the side of your tyre of course!
  20. Can anyone tell me roughly how much one of these screws costs? It's stainless steel I think and about an inch long.
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