That is pretty unlucky Headphones!
I had my car booked at Alba Tyres (crap) yesterday lunchtime and as I was half way there from work they called to say the tyre they ordered was wrong. They had ordered the front tyre size instead of the rear tyre size, that's after I made sure with the guy ordering it in front of me had ordered the correct size as his little work experience monkey who gave him the tyre size was clearly looking at the front wheel!!
Anyway I went back to work (having pretty much missed my lunch) and waiting for the call saying the correct size had arrived. As I finished work and was on way home I finally got the call to say they had it so I drove over. I got there at 4.15pm and handed the keys over, at 5.20pm they finally had it finished - over an hour to fit a bloody tyre?!
Anyway it's all sorted now until the next time I drive through a carpark with half of B&Q spread accross the floor!