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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. anyone have any tips for removing the pad from the other side of the disk? is it a case of just hitting it with a hammer or is there a technique??
  2. I'm half way through replacing the pads on the rears (this is a JDM non brembo setup), I have opened the calliper and removed one side of the pads but cannot remove the other side even a millimetre. I have been following this guide - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=16773 I have removed the visiable pad from this picture; am I missing something really stupid here?
  3. when you say do a swap are you buying the old bonnets from people?
  4. I've got the Z part
  5. welcome tidy looking car there, enjoy yourself!
  6. ouch hope it heels soon for you mate! Are you sure it was an accident while installing a car lift or were you trying to beat the record?
  7. do the indicators flash orange? the only ones I could find flashed either blue or white and thats it....
  8. side indicator looks very is that the one from thezstore?
  9. http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/landing ... oranimals/
  10. autobulbdirect also do a free gift on orders over £15 - one of which is sidelights
  11. Mine too but if you double click the video and go to youtube, it lets you play it. youtube is also blocked, I'll wait till lunch and proxy server or iphone it
  12. have you tried a local exhaust place? my local place has hundreds of the buggers and I'm sure they would sort you out.
  13. The first black with silver rim look nicest to me, especially if you have azure (can;t quite make out from ur avatar with all the snow!)
  14. it's almost as if they think some unscrupulous people out there may actually take out a policy after the incident has occurred
  15. I've been on look out, prices dependant..
  16. don't hold me to it but with other cars I have had the key fob needs to be very close in order to be reprogrammed. if it's not right next to the barrel then it wont work. this is why certain people are stupid enough to tape a fob under the ignition barrel in order to use remote start etc
  17. EDIT: I seem to have sorted it now
  18. you will need to have the new key/fob in the ignition when doing this otherwise how else could it programme itself to the ECU?
  19. I replaced the battery in my jdm key today but for the life of me I cannot get the key to close properly. Of course I failed to look at how it was put together when I first opened it and now it has me stumped does anyone have a pic of the inside configuration - they key works fine so I assume I have it almost (but not quite) right!
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