I have just switched to a different insurance provider and paid in full for the next year. I now have to submit all the paperwork needed within a certain time, unfortunately I have missed the deadline and received a reminder through the post.
The problem I am having is that I need to submit proof of my alarm system. I did not install thr system myself and so spoke to the insurance broke. They told me that what I need to do is go to a garage and get them to witness that the alarm is full functional and write a statement to that effect on there company heading paper.
Simples right? Apparently not!
Nowhere wants to actually do it and fobs me off if I call, if I drop in then I keep getting 'I can;t do that, better wait till the gather gets back' etc etc.
I spoke to Nissan this morning to see if they could help, obviously with my car being a Nissan and them selling and servicing Nissans for a living they would be happy to accommodate my needs. (not to mention the fact I have had an email, 2 texts and a letter invite to the special sales weekend coming up for Nissan VIP's only!!). You may expect me to start bashing Nissan about how crap they are and they never help out, well you're wrong. They could not have been more helpful. From the moment I was left on hold for 15 minutes, hung up on twice and passed from pillar to post these guys could not have done more. You may have now realised I was of course being sarcastic and Nissan were, of course, absolute d1cks about the whole thing.
After finally calling back 3 times to speak to the correct person I got hold of someone in service department. I explained the situation, gave my reg plate 4 times (I don't think his pen was working) and he said that it would be no problem to sort out for me. Brillaint! the he told me I could get booked in end of next week. I explained this would take around 1.5minutes to complete and could I not just pop in? He told me that the car would have to be seen by the top mechanic and then the statement overseen by the service manager. I said I will check when is latest I can have this info over to the insurance company and get back to him. Just before I hung up to call the insurer's I suddenly remembered he hadn't mentioned any cost for this. I was fully expecting to just bung the mechanic a tenner or something for his full 2 minutes work so I was slightly perplexed when the lad told me it would charged at the 'going rate'. And what is the going rate for 2 minutes unskilled work at Nissan you might ask, as did I. The guy went to speak to his team leader to find out what the going rate was.
yes, £45 for him to sit his fat arse in the car park for 2 full minutes and watch me set my alarm off, then sign his name.
I asked to speak to the elusive team leader. Once he was tracked down I tried to explain to him that I don't think he realises that I am a Nissan VIP and surely that means I don't have to pay more than an hours labour for a 2 minute 'favour'. He did not realise, nor did he care apparently!
Needless to say, I am not going to Nissan for this
Just to rub salt in the wounds, when I got home Nisan called to let me know that they had booked me in for a Full Health Check next Wednesday and wanted to confirm what time I was arriving. I calmly told them I would not be arriving and do not want a Health Check. Before she hung up she also reminded me that I was invited to a sales weekend coming up and as a Nissan VIP customer...........