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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. Driving back from a B&B in Eccleston this morning with the gf. We were driving along some country roads when I spotted a blue 370 lurking off the road under some trees. I pulled over to show the gf the difference in colour and why mine was better , after looking for a little while suddenly a couple sat upright both in same seat looking a little 'close'. We gave them a little wave and left them to there business
  2. Autoglass repair, Autoglass replace....
  3. Come on guys, stop beating around the bush and tell me which ones you prefer!!
  4. can't help you but the silver stiching lookss very nice, wish i had it rather than the orange!
  5. either hook it up to a code reader od do the manual accelerator pressing method
  6. they're not massively expensive at all, just the more expensive of the two options
  7. hmmm...everyone seems to be going for the most expensive option another pic to show how nice the Fuel's are....
  8. I didint even realise you could get manually adjustable seats in a zed??
  9. it literally only took a minute when I had the work carried out by a garage yesterday. All he had to do was watch me lock my car and then open the door without disabling the alarm, then sign to see he witnessed the alarm working. If the job had taken more than that then I would fully expect to be charged for a full hour. No technical knowledge was required, and the fact that you are suiggesting that the Nissan dealer has ANY technical knowledge is frankly laughable! Only paperwork involved was scribbling down one sentance on some headed paper. Stop making me angry all over again!!!
  10. I would say £45 for 1 minute out of there time is perfectly unreasonable!
  11. I'm sure Andy had some silver Fuel 5's on his car back in the day, or it may have been Axis Penta's. Been looking for his pics to show how they look on an Azure. Alternatively I know Jay has the black Fuel 5's on his. this is too hard!
  12. After about a year of looking I have come full circle to the wheels that I liked in the first place Now I need to decide which to go for, advice and opinions welcomed! Fuel 5 (silver): or Fuel 5 (black) or Varrstoen:
  13. sorry, is this an advert for a BMW or a zed or both?
  14. I switched to the 452's last year and have been very impressed, would idealy like to stick with them but if they are similar to the Avons then it makes sense to buy then as part of the package, waiting on the shop to get back to me to see what other choices they have but they are sloooow to respond.
  15. ok thanks guys. Next question is are Avon Z33 any good, I've never really heard of them and they seem to be around same price as Falkens? I can get them in the package deal for £200 cheaper than if I bought them seperate so would be a substantial sabing. although I don't wanna save money just to spend a crap load more when I realise the tyres are pants!
  16. the Lakes is the perfect compromise of great roads and still being acceptable by the missus! 1/ martinmac 2/ toon chris 3/ Rothers 2901 4/ Wasso 5/ Shuck 6/ unabashed
  17. that's what I was thinking! so they are correct? I've emailed to find out what tyre options are available
  18. if I buy wheels that 19", 8.5 & 10 with an offset of 30 front and 35 back then what spacers are needed? (cannot get my head around all this wheel size business!!!) Also the tyre packages are either; 235/35/19 & 265/30/19 or 245/35/19 & 275/30/19 does this sound right and which would be preferable?
  19. that's awfulnews, I hope you get sorted as quickly as possible with as little fuss as possible Personally I would ditch the zed and save for a bigger and better one as a treat once your better
  20. finally got it sorted! Friend was having some tyres fitted at a local place and I got him to check with them and they said no problem, printed me off an invoice for what I needed and wouldn't take any money when I offered. F**k you Nissan!
  21. I may be talking utter rubbish, but I don't think JDM market got the GT4? Probably just a nice import with GT4 wheels, either way it looks tasty
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