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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. no zed owners in leeds say hi! I followed a GM home the whole way the other night and gave him a little wave when i passed, he looked at me like i asked him if he wanted to get lubed up see a few now and no response from any of them
  2. I'll take the bonnet lifters if still available?
  3. dibs on the exhaust were for Niko - PM him and I'm sure he will take it off your hands
  4. It's very hard to get them on the phone to let them know, it would have been much nicer if they kept everything I had already sent through and contacted me to say I also need to send my photocard. That way they knew I had accepted responsability and also paid the fine so just waiting on further documents! I'll try again to call them but as I am an interview from 8am tomorrow morning I don't think there is much chance of me getting hold of them until Monday On the other hand I did just get myself another killer suit for my interview so could get some more use out of it if I go to court!
  5. I had a speeding ticket through a few weeks ago, my first one! Anyway I filled out a cheque and posted it off with my paper driving licence too get my points This was over a week ago and this morning I received a letter from the police with my cheque and driving licence inside saying that they have refused my payment as I did not include my driving licence. I have re-read the original letter and it stated that I had to include payment and my paper licence, and if applicable then I also need to send my photo card licence. At the time I had called the ticket place to ask a few questions and also asked her if I was doing everything correclt by sending my licence and payment as was told that I was. Now the letter says that they must receive both licence parts and the payment by tomorrow otherwsie I have refused the fixed penalty and will have to appear in court Another issue is that I have an interview tomorrow in whch I am required to submitt both parts of my licence and also have a driving day on Saturday morning in which I also have to produce my licence!! I have tried calling the ticket number only to be told they only open between 09.30am and 12pm everyday - neither of which I can egnerally do as I am in work at that time! So, looks like I'm gunna be doing a bit of bird!
  6. I'm chuffed for you mate - glad it's all worked out (so far) good for you!
  7. Thats tickled me!! yeah sometime it tickles, but once you get past that it's fantastic
  8. very chavy but I loved my footwell lights back in the day, at one point I went the whole hog and hooked them up to a vtec indicator in my type R so they glowed red as it hit vtec lol vtec yo!
  9. some pretty awesome pictures on the US atomic tested era, some very brave camera men! http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010 ... _atom.html
  10. ANGRY BIRDS! It's consumed my life since I got it a couple weeks ago, failing that I also got coin frenzy which is crap but addicting and zombie flick which is pretty cool. If in doubt, reach for your phone!
  11. they are on a group buy with 15% off at moment as well
  12. just from a forum member, they seem to come up every now and then as people upgrade their OEM systems to aftermarket
  13. I got a second hand backbox for under £50, if you paying into the hundreds I'd just go for an aftermarket tbh
  14. I have used the google maps when lost and my satnav ran out of charge, not as good as TomTom but it certainly got me home!
  15. that's pretty much best you will get I think, as said above most specialist (maybe ALL specialist) insurers will only look at people over 25 to keep the cost down for the older drivers
  16. plugs will be about £60-ish depending on what you get and where you shop, then I think I was advised between 1 and 1.5 hours for the job so your price seems maybe a little expensive but not too unrealistic. If they are getting Nissan OEM plugs they probably cost more as well. Why not buy the plugs yourself and just pay them labour?
  17. Chris - you have to go test drive this car! And also get one of the £10 cams attached to a hat a film the whole thing like the top gear Rover episode!
  18. Are you positive that you were driving and not just sat in the car parked up? In all seriousness though, I have no idea - doesn't sound good though!
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