I didnl't feel like it went very well to be honest! Didn't have time to spend much time on it due to unforseen circumstances so winged a fair bit of it!
now just need to make the decision or what to do with the zed....
of course, everyone who contributed please PM me your bank details, address, dob, and mothers maiden name and I'll sort you out a little something for the help
last winter my fuel consumption was phenomenal - filled up and it lasted me nearly a month. Then again the car never made it up the hill outside my house until the snow melted
it's due tomorrow and you don't have a garaghe yet? you crazy!
I wouldn't worry too much about where to take it, MOT is pretty much a visual check on things so not much they can do wrong (other than brake test on rolelrs apparently!).
what leeds body shop are you using unabashed? need one myself soon!
I went for Pokies Paintshop in Wakefield in the end, basically looked for ages and this one had a few recomendations from people I work with who run show cars so thought I'd give them a try!
It goes in tonight and will be with them for the week so will let you know the results at the weekend hopefully.