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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. my missus has just called me to let me know her clutch 'snapped' while driving to a meeting and she is stranded on the M6 (make sure you giver her a wave and a beep if you pass her ). I am assuming that this means just the clutch cable has snapped? Does this mean just a new cable or a new clutch and cable? Anyone know how much a clutch cable goes for and how long it would take a garage to replace? She will be getting towed to a garage from RAC but as she's a tiny little woman they will more than likely try fleece her!
  2. is there anything you cannot supply for the zed alex?

    Bonnet Bulge

    if no1 has a pic then I'm sure someone can knock up a photoshop of your car with a bluldge
  4. i might be wrong but I think EPR racing sell them?
  5. your looking at it in the wrong way! You're going to have all your petrol paid for and your worried about fuel economy - drive it like you stole it 24/7!
  6. what makes a hunter hawkeye special?
  7. £80 for wheel alignment - is that normal?!
  8. spotted your black 370 on Kirkstall road heading into Leeds - looking very shiny! Was first black 370 I've seen in flesh and it looked For some reason you didn't wave back at me, might have been something to do with me being in a Fiesta
  9. without meaning to crap on the thread you wont get any HP increase with any intakes unless they have a direct cold air feed and shielded from the heat of the engine bay (ideally having the filter placed away from the engine bay!) Yeah another member said that to me aswell, whats kind of sound does it add then? lovely sound
  10. his description says 'this is an import'.. ..yet is has headlight washers from a uk car, front and rear bumpers from a uk car and a uk rear spoiler. personally I'd leave it, it's a cat D anyway!
  11. not sure what the point of the meshed letter box in middle is though?
  12. it was hard to resist but I was very conservative with my transitions I got a bit lost in the interview when the regional directory was questioning me on something I had said about having a interest in cars and driving. I panicked and started lying through my teeth telling them I was a semi-professional race driver and build cars in my spare time at home. I don't even have a garage!
  13. no issues here, constantly use the iphone for browsing this site
  14. without meaning to crap on the thread you wont get any HP increase with any intakes unless they have a direct cold air feed and shielded from the heat of the engine bay (ideally having the filter placed away from the engine bay!)
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