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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. I have a pair of carbon B pillars for sale, I got them from Scot in a previous group buy. ( http://350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php? ... s&start=30 ) There is a slight build up of lacquer on the very edge (about 1cm - 2cm) which I have tried to capture on pics, this is how they have always looked since I received them and can barely be seen once fitted. I am looking for £40 plus delivery.
  2. with all the winking going on in this thread I hope none of you are insured with the insurers on this forum - believe me insurers check things like OC forums when contesting pay outs!!
  3. do you supply the wheels with tyres and if so how much extra for Falkens all round?
  4. impressive, although I'm not a fan of the 'Z' in middle of cubby!
  5. don't go to Nissan for the repair Just any run of the mill exhaust place will be able to fix it for around £50 I should have thought.
  6. I've got a pair of sideskirts in Azure blue, little but scuffed but perfect if your going to spray them - let me know if they are any use to you
  7. Welcome I'm moving to a house just down the road from Outon Park so will hopefully be doing a few track days down there myself
  8. if it's second hand bits your after you can't do much better than ZMANALEX and R35LEE. for new parts CS and Chilli Red are ones that come recommended, check the trader section for them all. If your still looking for an urgent exhaust I'd still go for the repair option then you can order something esle at your own pace and not have to get whatever is available.
  9. nissan paint ever panel a slightly different colour just to keep us all on our toes!
  10. my car was in for service with Lockwood and Greenwood last week and they advised they could supply and fit new links for £140 - they will be standard nissan ones though I expect. On another note - Lockwood and Greenwood were fantastic! supplied a courtesy car for me free of charge and kept me infiormed all day. Gave me planty of advice and then after I left and they were closing up I was on phone in carpark dealing with some work things and they came out and offered me a brew. good chaps
  11. zmanalex does some upgraded drop links viewtopic.php?f=38&t=27406
  12. my car is there - never realsied that
  13. either look on ebay and the forum for a second hand OEM exhaust or get something aftermarket like scorpion which isn't too loud. This is a common fault with all OEM exhausts and many people seem to have been able to get them fixed with a bit of welding - cheapest option but I doubt it will last forever.
  14. nice pics but drop the border, it makes me feel to claustrophobic!
  15. have you given a price yet??
  16. rarerims seem to sort a lot of people out and do deals every now and then
  17. they always look okay from a distance, but one I see pictures up close it just look like someone has stuck a bit of plastic to there lights. oh wait, they have! I would steer clear myself, but if you like it then run with it!
  18. I'm with the crowd on this one - 'orrible
  19. I hate Nissan dealerships with a passion, they have consistantly been rude, unhelpful and show a complete lack of knowledge. I had some work done on my car and they messed up the bill at the end, I went in to pay and they said that they had made some errors and that it would now cost me another £140. when I told them that I would pay the bill they had quoted before the work and not a openny more it took about an hour to sort out and they finally agreed to the orignal bill. I was having a moan at the woman as I paid telling ehr that the service has been attrocious and they were overpriced to begin with and she looked at me and snapped at me 'you don't know how lucky you are. you're getting this cheap as it is, what more do you want?'. I politely told her that the fact that she cannot carry out simple arithmatic is more her burden than mine, and that maybe her personal skills could be looked at as well. they boil my blood but I wont be taking my car there again so i'm not going to let them spoil my love of the zed.
  20. when is the closing date for entries?
  21. looks amazing, saw the non working model before and it looks even better now its out racing
  22. stunning pictures - they really do your car justice! Matt L - your seem quite handy with a camera and I'm sure theres a few people here would be tempoted to get such nice pictures of there cars - myself included. where are you based?
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