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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. ooh car port could be a nice project!
  2. Bored? Scan and email some bank statements if you like I just counted up all the scans and its over 50 now
  3. when I fitted some pimping HID's to my first car I was pulled over and told they were illegal as they had a blue tint to them. Fast forward a decade and all new cars on the road seem to have a blue tint to them, especially Mazda's it would seem! Does this now mean that you can get aftermarket headlights that have a blue hue to them or are they still outlawed? I'm not minterested in getting any by the way, just bored and my mind is wondering things today......
  4. I've seen a few of you garage queens are already putting the zed to bed for the colder months. I'm getting my company car in a couple of weeks so wont be driving the zed half as much, and certainly not in the snow! I don't have a garage in my new house that I will (hopefully!) be in for November so if I keep it in the garage is it worth investing in a car cover? I've always been a little worried about the covers scratching the paintwork, does anyone have any experience and/or recommendations of any?
  5. JDM exhaust is silent!
  6. I contacted this seller about the tyres and the top notch premium tyres he does were still bargain basement!
  7. do you mean for the side windows?

    help needed

    I'm sure someone else was looking at getting that kit - Husky maybe? he might be able to help you out.
  9. Agreed - the rear is possibly the worst rear I've seen on a zed!
  10. there's laquer and wax for matt paint isn't there?
  11. the tap washers will do nothing to kepp it up, they only help pop the boot clear of the latch. if it is as heavy as it looks then the counter weight will probably have little to no effect either - best bet would be new gas struts or to regas your original ones at a higher pressure.


    I think they would also need to inform there insurancew company, as all insurers ask if you are insured on any other vehicle. whether or not iut will make any difference to them i do not know
  13. I have the pipe and box, will be going on holiday in a couple of weeks so will be able to post it out and have the car with no pipe for a little while!
  14. are you selling the chrome pipe? I have a standard airbox if you are interested in a swap?
  15. do you have the band expander installed?
  16. this is just a gag thgough, isn't it?
  17. he doesn't say it;s dirtier than the 350, just that it's dirty...not sure if thats better or not??
  18. congratulations on keeping the zed!!
  19. some nice tilt-shift effects
  20. I was just looking on his webspace - not even a mention for this forum
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