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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. you paid for it?? What exactly does it do other than show a few crap pictures?
  2. If I had 2 keys I'd have a bash myself, but with only 1 key there's no way I'm gunna start messing with it only to lock myself out and put me in the hands of the stealers
  3. good point I'm sure solictors in general are lovely people, in fact I know a fair few solictors and they are indeed lovely people! It just seems that at the moment I'm attracting the bottom rung of the bunch!
  4. the incident took place 16th June 2009 so yep.
  5. I'm not even with the same insurance company, Chris Knott, and the car was sold over a year ago! My house purcahse is teetering on the edge of me actually owning it, and it's my first house so no previous house insurance! I think first thing I need to do is calm down - solictors have been pissing me off all day from all sides!!!!
  6. have you spoken to the member who sold you it as he might have the coide and you could always get him to reset it?
  7. Only just heard about it so not sought any advice yet - other than here of course! The letter has been opened by someone at home and read to me so I want to read it myself before I do anymore.
  8. Ok the situation as it stands: Last summer I had a Civic Type R which I parked in my companies private car park. The car park is shared which an engineering firm and they use the opposite end of the car park. One cloudy morning I arrived at work and parked up and went inside. A little while later a collegue came in and told me that one of the works vans had driven into my car smashing up the side and shunting it into a curb in front I went outside and it turned out that the driver of the van had left the handbrake off and the van rolled into my car with a crash, bang and whollop! The company admitted all liability and so it seems that it would be sorted with no issues. I called my insurance company and told them everything, they told me that I would be contacted by a 'accident management company' and they would sort everything. The company that called me, Car Crash Line, were a bunch of monkeys and couldn't understand anything that was told to them. They eventually realised that it could not have been my fault (mainly because I was not in the car!!!) and told me that they would be sending me a Polo hire car while mine was being repaired. I kicked up a fuss as I told them I wanted a like for like hire care. Eventually they agreed and sent over a Honda Legend (?). After a week or 2 driving that I called them to say that I would prefer a more economical car as the average 12 MPG was killing me, they agreed and sent over a 3 series BMW. When each car came I had to sign for them, which I did. All was repaired, the hire cars given back and everything forgotton about. Until today. I received a letter from a solictor this morning regarding a collision that I was part of, and telling me that I was responsible for the costs?!?! They also had on the letter that they wanted me to send them my account details, my credit card details and proof of any credit I owed at the time of the accident. Alarm bells were ringing a little at this point so I called the solictor, after checking there credentials, to find out what the situation was. After calling all day I finally got hold of the solicitor who explained why he had wrote to me. Basically it seems there was a clause in the paperwork I signed saying that if the insurance company failed to pay any costs the ultimately I would be the person who caughed up?! Apparently because I had money to pay for my own hire car then the insurance company shouldn't have top pay for them. I have told the solictor that I'm not going to be sending any account details showing I was capable of paying myself as this is for them to argue about and the only way I will supply them is when a judge asks me face to face in court. I'm totally confused as to why I am being shafted here to be honest, I'm far too busy with other things to be dealing with this! This all seems to stem from a @*!# accident management company, who incidently have dissapeared and resurfaced with an ever so slightly different trading name! From what I can remember, the hire car costs were around £3000 so there's no chance of me paying anyway as I've spend ever penny I have on my new house!
  9. if someone cracks it and makes sure it all works then I'm sure everyone will follow - loads of us JDMers that only got one key
  10. thats some eyesight to spot the tyre make and brand while it was doing a 180!
  11. I'm sure this was asked before and the 912's were agreed to be crap
  12. does the club have to pay or at least request to be in the 'nagazine'? there is a banner on the mags car club page that invites clubs to send in a profile and details?
  13. I've missed something it seems, whats this all in connection with?
  14. I thought it was going to be this club - but alas it's.....Volvo?
  15. so there's no actual fault known with the replica's, it's just that RAY's want to make sure that nobody buys them?

    centre caps

    I have no idea but I did ponder on that while cleaning my wheels a couple of weeks ago
  17. are you getting a kit on as well as the spoiler? without a kit it looks totally out of place and spoils the lines of the car. IMO of course
  18. ahh so its not an end of the world issue - just an annoyance. makes me feel a little better having a tinker with it
  19. what exactly happens when this BCM blows - what effect do you loose? <-- noob
  20. the one in Leeds is good for drinking but smells of cabbages
  21. thanks for the PM to let me know
  22. I donb't think anyone has even thought to do this 'mod' and certainly havent seen anyone try it for real. With that in mind you will struggle to find anyone to give advice on doing it. If you really really really want to deface your car for the sake of 2 second per week saved rom putting the window up, then best bet would be to mod some thing yourself or get onto suppliers to see if they can custom one for you?
  23. I'd go through insurance and get a new bumper, otherwise you will have to sort money out forst and can lead to all sorts of problems - what if the repair begins and more work is needed, who will pay for that if the WVM has already paid you?
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