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Everything posted by UNABASHED

  1. 1. Neil 2. Cragus 3. Narcotix 4. Introspect 5. ewan221 6. UNABASHED
  2. not sure on this one, thought epic fail at first but then when i notcied the driver was a super hot blonde girl in her twenties I'm just not sure??
  3. just found my battery dead as I havent driven the zed for a couple of weeks. I have a battery start thingymabob with its own battery and cables attached. I have just tried attching it and left it 5 mins before trying to start up the zed, when starting the (starter motor?) just clicks wildly but the engine doesnt even come close to turning over. am i doing something wrong?
  4. its not often I praise the Russians but in this instance - praise where praise is due!
  5. cheers guys! Im glad its all sorted, although was kinda looking forward to a court day just for the experience!
  6. wasnt most expensive plate just the number 1
  7. well I've been ignoring the solicitor and refusing to give any of my financial information to them. I received a court summons for January which i also threw away and told the solicitor I would not be attending. Yesterday I got a call from him telling me the case had been dropped and i don t have to pay anything it always pays to be as awkward as possible
  8. terrible news mate. My dad has had heart problems for the last 2 years and now been told that he may also have prostate cancer. I can relate the the absolute horror of seeing such fear in the eys of a man who has been the strong dependable male figure in your life - the worst thing I have ever seen before and I doubt i will see anything as bad for the rest of my life. No words will actually make you feel any better but all i can say is try to be strong for your family but don't bottle it all up for them, it can be Just as beneficial for them if you show how upset and scared you are. You can all be there for each other - doesn't have to be you been the strong one all the time. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  9. well I hate to say I told you so but........
  10. there are two black blanking plates inside the grille - I took mine out and they were secured with 3-4 plastic pop screw thingymybobs. I'm not sure that is what you are talking about though?

    CF accessories

    Envy is dead, long live Chilli
  12. 1. They know absolutely nothing about the car - didn't know what my car was at first?!?! 2. They cannot add up - I got 3 different bills last time and in the end as they were incapable of adding 4 numbers together, in the end I had to do it for them after telling them it was still incorrect 3. They never stick to the price quoted, try to tell you things are failing or have failed when they havent and generally are awkward and incompetant. In fact the only good point is that the service desk girl is hot, but then again she is the person who can't add up. I would rather take my car to to a gypsy community and have them work on it with claw hammers than go anywhere near Evans Halshaw again, but thats just my personal opinion. If I were you I'd go to RS Tuning or Lockwood and Greenwood.
  13. Evans Halshaw Leeds are retarded.
  14. search is your friend Thanks for your helpful comment, I did a search prior to creating the thread and all I could find was; At 3 years or 27,000 miles (whichever sooner) P1 service (plus coolant change as extra service item at additional cost) Have a look at this ......... Hope it helps http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=32921&p=489262&hilit=+service+schedule#p489262 Thanks! I booked it into Evans Halshaw Leeds apparently its due its P3 and is going to cost £189.00 for FULL service & MOT which I thought wasn't too bad... Booked in for Monday so hopefully wont need anything doing although i suspect the brakes are on there way out NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  15. skinny jeans are so 2009, it's all about banana jeans these days
  16. is the £1k with or without tyres?
  17. P1 is the cheapest and can be got for not too much over £100, then if your getting 4 new tyres you will be looking at £100-£150 per corner at a minimum. An AA inspection is always good even if just for your peace of mind, plenty of stuff not covered in warranty!
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